Monday 27 October 2014

It’s d’ incessant rain

Get me a bucket of water,
he yelled at his daughter
Back from fatiguing work,
wished to wash,
mud smeared hands,
 face and body parts
Totally tired,
 yet a smile clung to lips,
at least a job,
 for next few weeks
A road making, in d’ hill slopes,
any damn work,  a ray of hope
Cutting trees, scooping, digging,
dredging and earth leveling,
He’s engaged,
to assist heavy machines,
upkeep of tools and cleaning,
A livelihood till d’ work’s on
no worries for a short span,
Wages paid daily at day break
no words in stock, to thank God,
 for all d’ happiness
Cleaned soiled body parts,
got in to his thatched hut
A tiny lamp’s dim light,
 life appears quiet tough
Children trying homework,
unfinished task yet enough
assured to buy a solar lamp,
 a dire need for study comfort
No queries any further,
excited kids hugged dad dear
“Awaited some great news”,
his wife told,
pointing at d’ dark clouds
A rain adjudged auspicious,
good showers,
a blessing of rain Gods
After dinner,
over d’ thatch spread out,
 a plastic sheet cover
To avert a leak,
 during heavy rain,
a restful sleep,
 after d’ diurnal strain
If work goes on,
for a couple of months,
thatch to be replaced,
 with leak proof asbestos
Woes ought to reduce,
dreams started flying high,
prayed with folded hands,
gazing towards d’ dark sky
Good days ahead not to worry,
went to sleep d’ whole family
Total village in sleep,
surroundings utterly quiet,
rain unstoppable,
 poured entire night
Felled trees, hurt earth,
a loose soil seepage,
caused an abrupt land slide,
 perished entire village
Sweet dreams devastated,
high hopes buried,
valued dwellings vanished,
 beneath vast debris
Rescue team reached,
early  next morning,
to locate if any,
 human soul surviving
But it’s only,
 heaps of soil and debris
engulfed all humans,
even d’ domestics
Media men, politicians gathered,
earth digging ignored
For d’ ghastly tragedy,
 human ventures never blamed,
“It’s d’ incessant rain”, they claimed


Unknown said...

nice sir

Unknown said...

nice sir

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