Thursday 13 August 2015

In life’s level crossings

Mischievous my two eyes

no more listening to me,

sneakily look at someone

I am not expected to see
 D' day I met d' some one

 raced my heart throbs,
defying all stern behest

eyes went uncontrolled

Feet too turning unruly,

overlook my destination,

drag me again and again

to a lonely obscure zone

Got shoved beyond limits

Jumping fence and walls,

our palm lines may match

also zodiac signs and stars

Hands do refuse to obey

not bound to my dictate,

stealthily pluck flowers

flouting no-plucking act
 Want to stretch front wards

for reception, for a hugging,

if mutiny is order of the day
of course I’ve to say nothing

Mind growing wayward

furtively wishes to flee,

to a forbidden fortress

with a restrained entry

Feels the one a caged bird

truly eager to set her free,

fly in chariot to a real mate

with whom it desired to be

All my disobedient guys

too naughty yet amusing,

overtly try to keep me lively

in my life’s level crossings


Unknown said...

Good way to propose one will dare to say no :)

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