Monday, 30 March 2020

For my rescue, why should I bother

A window seat I wished to have,

to serenely enjoy the scenic sight

booked d’ trip online much before,

as per own choice picked my seat

Took boarding pass from the desk,

did check-in, at the boarding gate

stepped into d’ bus with d’ luggage,

arrived in time, lucky I’m not late

No seat empty, packed with people,

the flight took off in scheduled time

seven hours journey, truly tedious,

reach d' destination early next morning

The flight started shaking erratically,

all of a sudden d’ odd event ensued,

"fasten d' seat belts please, sit tight,

caught by a storm", d' pilot announced

"Anything might happen, be careful,

we’re going through a turbulence

do not panic, hope it gets settled,

have trust, need not lose patience"

A hysteric reaction, after d’ alarm,

no one knew what to do precisely

some yelled some started praying,

I could see a little girl sitting calmly

Appeared quite cool as a cucumber,

smile in lips as if nothing was wrong

peeped outside from d’ window seat,

fidgeting, murmuring some jolly song

The storm dissipated in half an hour,

and turbulence got totally blown out,

the flight was able to land peacefully,

survived for sure, there was no doubt

Everyone was simply talking about,

the tense fearful moment’s infidelity

situations make one easily realize,

d' ambiguous life, full of uncertainty

I recalled d’ scene of d’ crisis, when

all onboard were startled, disturbed

my meddling mind forced me to ask,

how she was so cool and composed

Rushed to d’ carousel belt, asked,

"in midst of d’ storm, I was heedful

while everyone was freaking out,

u sat totally calm and peaceful?"

Got impatient to listen to her reply,

I quizzed her like Sherlock Holmes

gave an upright look, lips wavered,

"I was sure, dad will take me home"

"He will find out means and tricks,

to safeguard my life and belonging

he, d’ proficient pilot of the plane,

I am his dearest daughter darling"

"He can forego the universe for me,

I trust him, got full faith in my father

my care his prime job, try miracles

for my rescue, why should I bother"

Saturday, 28 March 2020

Let's put color in our greyness...

Later the coffee gets cool,

later the charm is broken

later priorities will change,

and the sound health's gone

Later d' kids are grown up,

also, parents grow too old

promises are beyond recall,

issues, at last, go unresolved

Later always turns too late,

before we try to understand

reality's never ever realized,

and that's the way life ends

Aging, a complex process,

elderly not aware of d' facts

panic appears too prompt,

an untold road lays ahead

Day steadily turns into night,

d' clean sky changes to dark

old generations slowly vanish,

younger busy with own task

Train self to live all alone,

spouse is no more a friend

learn to embrace d' solitude,

only an emptiness at d' end

Glorious past gets dumped,

for you society never bother

now just a regular old man,

no fame of d' previous career

Spotlight no more shines on u,

stand quietly in one corner

now no urge to be envious,

no more audacity to grumble

Society will care less and less,

despite your glorious career

aging molds to a regular old man,

d' past glories count no longer

 Precarious rocky road ahead,

worn-out joints, parkinsonism

fractures, heart attacks, cancer,

d' likely guests might drop-in

Born in my mother's custody,

a cradle bound life as an infant

next a trek of twists and turns,

again back to d' starting point

Mother took full care then,

now no kin, children neither

whatever li'l they use to bother,

no way it's close to the mother

Might engage a smart nurse,

in her lips hung a smile, fake

but bearing boredom in heart,

only zero relation, it can make

To lay still, won't be difficult,

or face hassles in the situation

pass life as if nothing surfaced,

to hardness, very little reaction
No time for anyone, all so busy,

at home too scared to stay alone

house helps may be swindlers,

robbery, murder not uncommon

To snatch away d' savings of old,

to cheat them of their earnings

money kept safely in their chest,

as contingency amount, perishing

D light steadily turns dimmer,

the path ahead is hardly visible

precisely tough to tread ahead,

last stretch of d' journey, terrible

Must go with the flow of nature,

no more materialistic attachment

a better tomorrow may not come,

now is always the best moment

A bed-bound life might be ahead,

again a go back to d' infant state

born on a bed, played, took rest,

the bed was our kick-off point –

Hardly d' day started, it's evening,

days passing fast, d' month is over

d' year's almost up, sixty such gone,

parents, bosom friends are no more

Smile at the little things in life,

must enjoy the time left with us

time is not in any body's hands

primacy won't prevail over others

Let us smile at little things in life,

can't wait for acts of our likeness

tiny events too put balm in heart,

let's put color in our greyness...

Friday, 27 March 2020

Fit to be a great civil servant

The professor was bent upon,

to test IQ of his postgraduates

“Get up you nifty guy,

answer my query straight

ten birds sat on d' branch of a tree,

u shot one, how many are left?”

D’ boy asked,

"Was it a silent pistol,

or a gun without a sound?"

Not extraordinary, a usual one,

had d’ gunshots fired quite loud

"How loud were d’ gunshots,

80 or 100 decibels?"

"It’ll be pertinent to say,

can make one’s earache"

"Not illegal to shoot birds in this city?"

"No, won’t break d' law, 
for God’s sake"

"Are you sure,

d’ bird truly got killed?

if it’s yes, how did you verify that?"

“I’m sure”, d’ professor got impatient,

"You just tell me,

how many were left?"

"Any deaf one in d’ birds?

any bird had a mental ailment,

or a stupid one didn’t know to fly away,

when d’ loud gunshot went"

Professor got extremely irritated,

“Nothing so, 
all had an IQ > 200”,

“Anyone of them kept in cages?"

or another tree present on d' ground,

in d’ venue, with some birds on it,

"How about…ten miles around,

in that locality?

to disturb other birds with d’ sound

any disabled or hungry birds that can't fly?"
"No, all healthy,

their body in great shape

You’ve so many queries, don’t know why?”

"Pregnant birds counted as two or one?"

"All males, pregnancy can’t happen"

"Birds were ten in number,
how he was sure,
had no dim eyesight or blurred vision?
was d’ shooter’s dress dazzling?
to briefly cause d’ birds a blinding effect"

"Don’t  derail d’ topic, come straight,

d’ eyesight all of them utterly perfect"

Sweat drops started to appear

on the forehead of d’ Professor

the student kept on asking,

even if d' college bell rang,

and d’ class was over
"Was there any bird too stupid,

least scared of death?"

"No, like any other living creature,

death is terrifying, each one believeth"

“Did anyone choose to stay back,

ready to die as its lover was shot?"

"I’ve told you, they were all males!

don’t behave like an idiot"

"And their sexual orientation,

homosexuality not to consider?"

"Ok? their sexual orientation is hetero!"

"To an ornithologist, u need not refer?"

"Will he kill two birds with one shot,

maybe three, four or five in unison?"

"Absolutely not! only one got killed

with d’ single shot he fired at random"

"Did d’ bullet knock out d’ tree instead?

if no tree, no birds are expected there"

"No, it was not that powerful

just an ordinary pistol"

"Well, are all the birds free to fly?"

"Absolutely yes,
you are my postgraduate,
but it seems, u behave like my boss"

"As a panic reaction, 
they did not bump into each other,

while attempting to fly?"

"No, a satellite navigation system helped,

so an auto take-off they could try"

d’ professor lost patience, shouted,

"well u can’t deceive me with your reply"

"If d’ dead bird hang on to d’ tree,

does not fall from it, one will be left

if it falls, evidently none will be there",

the student replied with confidence

Professor was on the verge of fainting,

tried to resist his feeling before students

lastly murmured in a trembling voice,

“you’re fit to be a great civil servant..."