Saturday 21 March 2020

Caring for family, lovely friends

While young, I was over-reactive,

perturbed for my erupting pimples

old now, check-in mirror too often,

upset for d' sagging skin, wrinkles

​In youth, be in a corner, eagerly wait,

for a scope to touch her pulpy hands
now a septuagenarian, wait for one,

lead me holding my hand, feel unsafe

Managed kids, parents, pets, office,

for a while, longed to be all alone

now steadily deserted by d' family,

none with me, worried, too forlorn

Faced disasters, managed situations,

decisions own, no tips from any guy

seen ample world, can guide others,

find none around, my opinion to buy

Earlier I admired all the beauty as if

stockpiled, only in d' opposite gender
now see the beauty in God's creation,

in surroundings, crammed in d' nature

Then saw a long way to march ahead,

confidence packed, felt I'm immortal

now realize any day, maybe my turn,

must get prepared to leave this world

In youth celebrated prime occasions,

proud moments, wedding anniversary

now at this age no further merriment,

only to cherish the bygone memories
Enjoyed sound sleep in young days,

an early wake up was too punishing

d' arrogant eyelids refuse to shut now

now sleepless nights are a routine,

Then a handsome male in d' youth,

wished to be an icon of heartthrob

now I'm in an advance aging jaunt,

rattled, anytime d' heart might stop

Arrived in d' extreme stage of life,

must experience events till d' end

need to live life with plenty of love,

caring for family and lovely friends


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