Monday 30 November 2020

Attitude towards d’ events in life is right

A cockroach flew from somewhere,

abruptly sat on d' back of her hand

her ear-splitting scream out of fear,

cropped up just in a microsecond


D' venue was a crowded restaurant,

she started jumping, howling in panic

desperately tried to get rid of d' insect

d' disgusting episode turned her sick


Her reactions were over contagious,

spread wildly, d' lot seemed serious

with panic-struck face, shaking voice

finally could push away d' cockroach


It sat on another in d' alarmed group,

d' same drama got repeated once again

a waiter rushed ahead to their rescue,

proved to be powerless in the bargain


D' process of a relay of throwing began,

too amazing, mind-blowing recreation

in the watch worthy exercise of d' day,

on d' waiter d' cockroach next fell upon


The waiter stood firm as if a rigid rock,

totally calm, controlled, and composed

focused, precisely rolled his eyeballs,

on his uniform its conduct, to observe


Steadily gathered enough confidence,

grabbed it, threw it out of d' restaurant

I tried to probe their histrionic behavior,

as sipped my coffee, saw in merriment


Can a cockroach create such confusion,

its erratic crawls, flights the' real cause

then why was d' waiter not disturbed?

handled in perfection, with least chaos


Their incapability to handle the turmoil,

caused by a tiny insect annoyed them

no bites, not poisonous, not dangerous,

a docile critter, crawls on, out of harm


D' shouting of wife or a scuffle at home,

can't disturb, even if d' boss castigates,

but my inability to handle the situations

of howling, of course, makes me upset


Traffic jams on d' road that disturbs me,

due to my inability to handle my vehicle

reactions are instinctive, create chaos,

but well thought of response is graceful


One seems happy in life not because,

everything hunky-dory, he didn't fight

but manifest no superfluous reactions,

attitude towards d' events in life is right

Thursday 26 November 2020

His undecorated way of d' art of giving

Parked my Toyota on d' roadside,

got into an approaching city bus

toilsome to stand, no place to sit,

immensely scared to face d' rush


A blissful moment arrived early,

a window seat became vacant

d' next man could have sat there,

but offered it to me in an instant


He stood holding the support bar,

and d’ scene occurred once again

a commuter stood up to get down,

showed no haste to occupy it then


Rather gave a smile and allowed it,

to a middle-aged man to take over

a kitbag in hand, looked listless but

for a restful seat, he did not bother



Next stop again nearby seat emptied,

visibly he, the next genuine claimant

this time also he gleefully donated it,

to a college boy, not being reluctant


D' alien episode repeated four times,

in d' short bus trip by d' same person

I saw it curiously, couldn't make out,

enticed to ask him the exact reason


Appeared to be a guiltless person,

back home after d’ day’s tiring toil

next was d’ last stop, allured to ask,

my poking habit didn't want to spoil


Asked why he was giving his seat,

every time to some other commuter

it's unfeasible in life to forget it ever,

his unique, nice captivating answer


I've not studied in life, not a literate,

unlike others, know not many things

have li’l knowledge, got no money,

to help d’ needy ones, I've nothing


After a standing job for d’ whole day,

to stand little longer, gives no trouble

can easily perform, so try to practice,

do it on a daily basis, d' act is simple


Give a guy my seat, I earn d’ thanks,

I feel, did something for someone

go home refreshed, totally satisfied,

an act to d' best of my abilities, done


Got shocked with his glaring answer,

his understanding, amiable gesture

whom we presume learned, civilized,

never do anything for anybody at all


Any help for a completely unknown,

rehearsing routinely on own volition

God must be pleased to observe it,

d' art of giving of a penniless person


Help, a most expensive item of today,

it's witless to expect it without a price

high degrees, position, tons in banks,

yet not rich in mind, never behave nice


He truly made me feel happy and rich,

taught  a vital lesson, a great learning

I got fully impressed by his simplicity,

his undecorated way of d' art of giving

Saturday 21 November 2020

If one plants honesty must reap trust

From d' famed firm he has to retire,

shortly end his unbeaten tenure

as d' head of managing authority,

he, to choose an ideal successor


However efficient and up-skilled,

his children not to take his position

from the working employees only,

carry out an executive selection


Called a meet of young executives,

he announced his prudent decision

as d' future CEO of d' reputed firm,

one from them to be aptly chosen


Employees got practically shocked,

their mouths remained wide open

a task to be given to each of them

to judge, he pursued d' deliberation


Unique seeds meticulously gathered,

of different valued plants, one each

single seed, given to each executive,

to spring up a sapling, water, flourish


"Take genuine care as your own kid,

same date, same month, next year

we'll arrange a grand get together,

in person, I'll greet all kid & father"


I'll judge then d' plants brought by u,

check how well your kids are grown

on d' spot assess and try to choose,

next CEO's announcement be done


Like all others, he got super excited,

went home, talked to wife d' details

later chose a decent peachy pot to

plant d' seed & put in a striking place


People started bragging in the office,

it turned to be a hot topic of discussion

about own plants, d' way they planted,

weeded, cared for, how lavishly grown


 D' atmosphere appeared too amusing,

few claimed d' plant grew tall and pretty

for him, no plant came out to be grown,

Bill stayed silent, crammed with anxiety


No li'l change they could ever notice,

no plant sprouted, where was d' fault?

miserably embarrassed for d' misfire,

despite the couple's utmost efforts


A year passed at such a rapid pace,

in no time the judgment day arrived

unsure to carry d' empty pot to office,

practically had no answer to provide


Lastly took d' barren pot to d' office,

despite his repeated lenient protest

fully unclear how to face d' scenario,

wife kept on insisting, to be honest


All had colorful plants on their desks,

is it a flower garden/ conference hall?

CEO's entry expected at any moment,

to chair d' meeting as per d' protocol


Colleagues smiled when he entered,

mocked at him with hurting-language

he stood at d' back with d' vacant pot,

felt fully devastated and discouraged


CEO came, saw the pot in Bill's hand,

abruptly signaled him to come forward

all pots looked so gorgeous and lively,

how come your pot empty he enquired


He narrated the entire story honestly,

they laughed, Bill felt upset, terrified

for his unproductive work scenario,

he thought, he was about to be fired


"Ladies & gentlemen, he announced,

next CEO of our company, selected

I present him before you, it is Mr. Bill,

to come to d' podium, he's requested"


 There was a pin drop silence in d' hall,

all utterly speechless and standstill

everyone in shock, one only shouted,

couldn't even grow a plant, nor he will


One yr ago, I gave u all boiled seeds,

the CEO told, seemed to be very cool

all of you deceitfully changed d' seeds,

just to impress you were successful


Bill was d' only guy who stayed true,

by d' way, a salient lesson was taught

truthful guys not to be embarrassed,

if one plants honesty must reap trust

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Home a cozy abode, can't be a jail


If you keep on hiding my dear,

I'm concerned, unable to trace

relieve me from all my anguish,

come out soon, show your face


Came from Andaman isles with

uncle of N geographic channel

God sent you to me as a friend,

in lazy corona time as a miracle


Unable to recall the past habitat,

my home now your home forever

I love you so much, my pet turtle

u turned a crucial family member


Love to watch d' view on d' road,

peep out from the grill in balcony

stretch legs towards d' raindrops,

enjoy a climate windy and rainy


When u miss me, sit on my shoes,

wait for my voice, breath sounds

salute your patience, sit in silence

till Granny calls and till I'm found


You run behind me fast and play,

after my online classes are over

a deep night sleep under my cot

shoving d' head in some fissure


When I get up in the morning,

hang down from bed and shout

eager to see your lovely face,

the way u stick your neck out


No chit-chats, no friends to play,

lockdown caused enough trouble

no b'day parties, no visit of malls,

now my only friend, my pet turtle


I stopped eating Hakka noodles,

you left Chinese turtle food dear

I undid apps from Granny's cell,

both boycotted China together


I threw out jocular Chinese dolls,

you now eat vegetables, peanuts

wish to teach a lesson to China,

my pet turtle and me, both patriots


Kept me busy, my noiseless friend,

you stay at ease in your own shell

taught me to be cheerful at home,

home a cozy abode, can't be a jail

All good acts of d' past, forgotten


He was about to shut the shop,

a pet dog hurriedly entered in

d' shopkeeper was taken aback,

it's already late in the evening


A bag dangled from its mouth,

with a list of items to be bought

yet amazing was a tacked cover,

with enough ready cash stuffed


Gathered the bill amount from it,

items in d' bag he diligently kept

the dog picked up d' packed bag,

to d' master's house, it hastily left


The curious shopkeeper quietly

followed it, to find out its owner

the dog stood by at d' bus stop,

till a bus for that route appeared


It got into d' bus with d' filled bag,

saw at d' approaching conductor

went ahead to exhibit d' neck belt

had money and address together


The conductor collected bus fair,

put d' ticket in his neck belt again

once reached d' destination, went

to d' rear exit wagged its tail then


Squarely alighted at d' desired stop,

when d' bus slowly came to a halt

the snooping retailer yet followed,

went to d' right house without fault


It knocked the door with its legs,

d' owner came scowling from inside

beat the dog with a stick fiercely,

d' shopkeeper got totally terrified


Hesitant enough, yet put d' query,

how can he beat a dog so trusted?

"disrupted sleep d' wretched fellow,

d' door keys it could have carried"


Shopkeeper grasped d' truth of life,

there is no end to d' expectations

punished, if one feels a flaw done,

all good acts of d' past, forgotten

Monday 16 November 2020

Relish tea, rejoice till d' last drop


Can anyone foretell for sure,

when it's d' time to go back?

not even a second beyond it,

to be left for merriment sake


No fruitions to be proud of,

once d' precious life's gone

never comes back, perishes

like d' bubbles of the foam


Get rid of perturbing settings,

affairs that assuredly annoy

to relish the flavor downright,

leisurely sip your tea with joy


Its true life is unduly short but

we assume it a stretch too long

several tasks to be sorted out,

still, we casually march along


Uncounted errors committed,

it's a struggle each moment

not to be too self-obsessed,

to wind up do gather strength


Friends are no more with you,

most have left, gone far away

close ones, kinsfolk not seen,

spared no moments to enjoy


Kids have grown up by now,

amply busy in own profession

situations changing too fast,

you're left alone, feel forlorn


Tons of fun buried in li'l things,

locate those, heartily rejoice

events keep on changing fast,

not as per one's sweet choice


Regrets to be done away with,

follow d' language of affection

hopes do sprout out in no time,

before pack up, things are done


Learn to love d' sky, moon, stars,

in the mind create some space

inhale fresh lively air from nature

in peace take few deep breaths


Let slip all d' irksome moments,

relaxedly sip the tea in your cup

look at d' pathless woods, birds,

relish tea, rejoice till d' last drop