Wednesday 18 November 2020

All good acts of d' past, forgotten


He was about to shut the shop,

a pet dog hurriedly entered in

d' shopkeeper was taken aback,

it's already late in the evening


A bag dangled from its mouth,

with a list of items to be bought

yet amazing was a tacked cover,

with enough ready cash stuffed


Gathered the bill amount from it,

items in d' bag he diligently kept

the dog picked up d' packed bag,

to d' master's house, it hastily left


The curious shopkeeper quietly

followed it, to find out its owner

the dog stood by at d' bus stop,

till a bus for that route appeared


It got into d' bus with d' filled bag,

saw at d' approaching conductor

went ahead to exhibit d' neck belt

had money and address together


The conductor collected bus fair,

put d' ticket in his neck belt again

once reached d' destination, went

to d' rear exit wagged its tail then


Squarely alighted at d' desired stop,

when d' bus slowly came to a halt

the snooping retailer yet followed,

went to d' right house without fault


It knocked the door with its legs,

d' owner came scowling from inside

beat the dog with a stick fiercely,

d' shopkeeper got totally terrified


Hesitant enough, yet put d' query,

how can he beat a dog so trusted?

"disrupted sleep d' wretched fellow,

d' door keys it could have carried"


Shopkeeper grasped d' truth of life,

there is no end to d' expectations

punished, if one feels a flaw done,

all good acts of d' past, forgotten


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