Monday 16 November 2020

Relish tea, rejoice till d' last drop


Can anyone foretell for sure,

when it's d' time to go back?

not even a second beyond it,

to be left for merriment sake


No fruitions to be proud of,

once d' precious life's gone

never comes back, perishes

like d' bubbles of the foam


Get rid of perturbing settings,

affairs that assuredly annoy

to relish the flavor downright,

leisurely sip your tea with joy


Its true life is unduly short but

we assume it a stretch too long

several tasks to be sorted out,

still, we casually march along


Uncounted errors committed,

it's a struggle each moment

not to be too self-obsessed,

to wind up do gather strength


Friends are no more with you,

most have left, gone far away

close ones, kinsfolk not seen,

spared no moments to enjoy


Kids have grown up by now,

amply busy in own profession

situations changing too fast,

you're left alone, feel forlorn


Tons of fun buried in li'l things,

locate those, heartily rejoice

events keep on changing fast,

not as per one's sweet choice


Regrets to be done away with,

follow d' language of affection

hopes do sprout out in no time,

before pack up, things are done


Learn to love d' sky, moon, stars,

in the mind create some space

inhale fresh lively air from nature

in peace take few deep breaths


Let slip all d' irksome moments,

relaxedly sip the tea in your cup

look at d' pathless woods, birds,

relish tea, rejoice till d' last drop


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