Thursday 26 November 2020

His undecorated way of d' art of giving

Parked my Toyota on d' roadside,

got into an approaching city bus

toilsome to stand, no place to sit,

immensely scared to face d' rush


A blissful moment arrived early,

a window seat became vacant

d' next man could have sat there,

but offered it to me in an instant


He stood holding the support bar,

and d’ scene occurred once again

a commuter stood up to get down,

showed no haste to occupy it then


Rather gave a smile and allowed it,

to a middle-aged man to take over

a kitbag in hand, looked listless but

for a restful seat, he did not bother



Next stop again nearby seat emptied,

visibly he, the next genuine claimant

this time also he gleefully donated it,

to a college boy, not being reluctant


D' alien episode repeated four times,

in d' short bus trip by d' same person

I saw it curiously, couldn't make out,

enticed to ask him the exact reason


Appeared to be a guiltless person,

back home after d’ day’s tiring toil

next was d’ last stop, allured to ask,

my poking habit didn't want to spoil


Asked why he was giving his seat,

every time to some other commuter

it's unfeasible in life to forget it ever,

his unique, nice captivating answer


I've not studied in life, not a literate,

unlike others, know not many things

have li’l knowledge, got no money,

to help d’ needy ones, I've nothing


After a standing job for d’ whole day,

to stand little longer, gives no trouble

can easily perform, so try to practice,

do it on a daily basis, d' act is simple


Give a guy my seat, I earn d’ thanks,

I feel, did something for someone

go home refreshed, totally satisfied,

an act to d' best of my abilities, done


Got shocked with his glaring answer,

his understanding, amiable gesture

whom we presume learned, civilized,

never do anything for anybody at all


Any help for a completely unknown,

rehearsing routinely on own volition

God must be pleased to observe it,

d' art of giving of a penniless person


Help, a most expensive item of today,

it's witless to expect it without a price

high degrees, position, tons in banks,

yet not rich in mind, never behave nice


He truly made me feel happy and rich,

taught  a vital lesson, a great learning

I got fully impressed by his simplicity,

his undecorated way of d' art of giving


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