Saturday 22 December 2012

Hide-n-seek with household items

Genius absent minded, professor,
parked car near operation theater
Came back walking, to d’ quarter,
in garage next day, found no car
filed a complaint in police station,
Car’s lost, must have been stolen
Profoundly surprised to discover,
car stabled near operation theater
Narrated to all, it’s just a wonder,
occurs any time, to any character

Several amazing hide-n-seek game,
often played, with household items
Fortuitously enough things happen,
even with most meticulous person
May not match a thrilling burglary,
nor even any exciting murder story
Vexing episode then, arouse tension,
recalled later and relished with fun
Almost half of my life time’s gone,
looking for, all of my missing items

Chatted on cell & noted a number,
scribbled neatly, on a news paper
Pen gone missing, yet to be found,
 desperate enough, running around
Writing gadgets, dazedly disappear,
 subtle hunt in each nook-n-corner,
Remembered an odd weird thing,
 a pen often fastened with a string
Even ample care, enigmas evolve
It’s a mystery never been solved
Light resumed, after a power cut,
Unable to locate the AC remote,
Picked up a few misplaced paper,
thought to tag them, all together
Stapler traced, but no single pin,
loaded last night, all pins missing
Wished to watch the cricket play,
can’t detect d’ remote, in dismay
Car keys vanished, specs missing,
 overheard a munch, dog chewing

 Appendix miss, tummy wide open
foreign body no trace, search’s on
D’ events recur, repeatedly happen,
item misplaced from own position
No pedestrian, to move on its own,
and recovered from funny location
No legs to wander, no wings to fly,
yet they disappear, displaced why?
From fridge vanishes water bottles,
no ghost at home, still this occurs
Key rack hangs, as adorning piece,
Car, bike, door keys, so often miss
Luckily d’ cupboard, d’ refrigerator,
remain unlocked forever and ever
To track down, vanished cell phone,
frantic calls made from d’ land line

School bus arrives, d’ driver honks,
school badge lost, a frenzied search
Yet to get, a matching pair of socks,
 trails futile, to locate compass box
Unwarranted yet entire family rush,
so perturbed all, precious time lost
List’s too long of misplaced objects,
checkbook, passport, driving license 
All to crop up, when I’m already late,
go berserk, hunt for and can’t locate
Recurring problem, umbrella’s gone
kid left in mall, shopping well done

Utmost disciplined, each one claim,
 search drill’s on, with blame game
Replies come pat, known to none,
 same drama played times umpteen
Ransack entire house for no reason,
body fully tired, mind keeps racing
 Thoughts speed up as if aeroplane,
panic signals turn off active brain
A resolve to place, items in order,
to be task master, but do so never
With fingers crossed, can’t sit tight
inventory software, put some light ?


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