Wednesday 12 December 2012

Number game, a shame

Baby must be born on 11.11.11,
a normal labor or by a Cesarean
In touch with the Gynecologist,
no reluctance for bounty fees
Just do needful, fulfill the wish,
no debates on medical ethics
Carrying aptly, it’s ninth month,
set to be out, d’ matured infant
In pious moment baby be born,
slip away not, adored occasion
Desire for him, a brilliant carrier,
ample blessings for bright future

At any cost, car number be 7777,
no wrong to it, can ever happen
For such an acme achievement,
ready to go for an extreme spent

98765 98765, my mobile number,
nothing negative will ever occur
Any deals, any damn negotiation,
must turn fruitful with this phone

Thirteen, my most  lucky number,
in all deeds, both digits occurred
Use to perform evidently better
if 13 happens the jersey number

Media, social media begot craze,
for funny rhythmic date 12.12.12
the only  such date in the century,
Day, month, year match so nimbly
Lakhs wish to solemnize marriage,
Jupiter blesses, this day born babes

12.12.12 repeats after 100 years,
a rare event, with unique features
Three d’ number of Planet Jupiter,
turns affluent, blesses to prosper
To marry, be born, join new work,
entry to new house, set up a shop

For cesareans uncalled for request,
it’s wrong, Doctors define their best
Do calculate d’ date of conception
On father’s birth day, Baby be born
An elective one, coinciding a date,
unethical, irrational & begets hate
no hesitation,  if it’s an emergency,
just for date, time, CS seems fussy
Undue plea, bundle of inapt notion,
on behest of someone’s infatuation
The funny faith intense in literates,
profuse scope to flourish cs market
But giving a serious second thought
A safe CS, a few days prior or post,
never matters, fetches enough cash, 
Test tube babies, planned for d’ date
A glittering business in health field,
a golden chance, why to be missed
Twelve test tube babies on 12.12.12
by GIFT, real gifts to be delivered 

Dates not auspicious, inauspicious,
moments make no person precious
Just a gimmick, a fascinating game,
 pure marketing for commercial gain
Fact’s false, yet wait for such date,
relate intricately to someone’s fate
a trade, plinth put up on fear factors
a publicity stunt, for no valid reason

Why count from Christ’s birth date,
It can start from any damn place
funny dates now come early or late
A good or harm dates can’t make
Birth, death, marriage fixed by God,
  modern era men cannot take over
Numerology cannot decide a date
to Mother nature things to be left


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