Wednesday 26 December 2012

Pass d’ buck, Good luck

What happened ? Why late, again!, 

on d’ way to work, car got broken

Remind me of last time, U came late,

alarm clock didn't work, a power cut

And time before it, asked Supervisor

in parking lot, someone blocked d’ car

Blame the tools and pass d’ buck
skills not blamed, never the work
The game fully, mingled in blood,
no point, in admitting own error
If hurt lightly with d’ table edge
trauma trivial & wailing’s vague
or during play child hits d’ door
Excuses exist, for each blunder
bang d’ door hard, bash d’ table,
pacify d’ child, not its fault at all
carve a mindset to blame others
It can not commit any blunders
Message well taken, things done
wrong doer taught, tough lesson
cry stops soon, the shrills subside
smile erupts in lips, woes relieved
foot slipped, in a foot ball match
D’ culprit must be someone else
offender search to be always on
can’t be an alibi, never a victim
admit no fault, war lines drawn
all sorts of verbal exchange on
add fuel to the burning embers
all due to children of neighbors
kid insists on a thing, can't offer
send it back to his loving mother
 fingers pointed , if things go awry
blunder done, but never utter sorry
buck passed to U, me smart enough
pass it back or look for a scapegoat
 Opposition’s wish to fix, ruling party,
Ruling, well versed in all tricks dirty 
 For the ills, inflation, woes and crime
 It’s d’ legacy from previous regime
  our actions sacrosanct, we holy cows
 no wrong ever done, each one vows

the blame game continues unabated

colossal blunder made, not crucified

Parents blame school for poor result
Students never admit, it’s their fault

diplomats often blame each other
 escapes untouched, real evil doer

shit storm shrouded events occur

no one at fault an accident mere

Politicians point election commission 

Commission claims not to be partisan

Each element in universe’s blamed

Suits filed, compensation claimed

Cricketers the pitch if score’s poor

Milk’s thin, d’ cow swallowed water

none crucified for a colossal blunder

blame game goes unabated for ever

Farmers the rain, patients d’ Doctor

Husband d’ wife, son says it’s mother 

For every single, ill of the trade

Boss fumes, his eyes congested

stares at indefinitely, like a sage

reduce all to ashes, by his rage

Front yard stinking & cluttered

Litters strewn, no one bothered

Each so righteous than d’ other

low ranks aptly pushed to gutter

Loyal worker, admits d’ mistake

Knows well, it’s not for his sake


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