Wednesday 25 January 2017

Just blessings, no other gift

A bunch of youth

wished to come closure

wanted to form a group

so, contacted each other

Closely related,

yet faces unknown

to develop acquaintance,

in recent past

there was no occasion

Aspirations high,

to achieve

something spectacular

a fire in each soul aflame

to ascend as per own calibre

none be able to stop them

Know each other by nickname,

unable to make out by face

it hardly matters

But at d’ end of d’ day

they are brothers and sisters

in verge of completing education

building on own carrier

Never bothered to know

 parents’ difference of opinion

Now fully charged,

having energy vigorous

to casually cross

swiftly, with least hesitation

to jump over d’ walls

their parents erected,

After all human beings,

 humanly must behave

can’t walk on narrow rue

for them parents have laid

They stay in different  places,

no scope to explore

life of each other

so the plan

 for a grand get together

Their ideas don’t match with,

people of d’ generation earlier

so need an occasion

to deliberate, communicate

and a thorough interaction

to bring out all positivity from

each ones carrier

to create an institution

to benefit their future generation

they’ll be taught to maintain

amicable relation

with all their blood relations

Parents trimmed their freedom,

so to d' grand gala gathering

parents not permitted

they wish to ignore

love flows in a down gradient,

 only for their son and daughter

parents’ presence will prevent,

any consensus in positive direction

so to boycott them, d’ only option

Some of them wed

some yet bachelors

they are of same order

similar mental make up

formal invitations, no need

they will gather,  

to celebrate together

on any occasion

a spectacular achievement,

or a marriage

to get tied up with life partner
They need blessings of parents 
 just blessings, no other gift
parents' shrinking attitude,
  they wish to defeat


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