Friday 27 January 2017

Is it to seek a life partner?

Got up early in d’ morning,
an early riser, by habit
mumbling a romantic song
went round d’ garden, a bit
A real jovial stride,
to select most appealing flower
the gorgeous one of d’ day,
 a precious gift for her

My grandpa chose flower,
best one of d' garden,
plucked with utmost care
brought to drawing room,
grabbed in thumb and index
patiently waited for her
A wait for his darling dear,
my pretty grand mom's
arrival, in drawing room
She came, he blushed,
with a glance of d’ bride,
 d’ dashing bridegroom
Offered d’ delicate flower,
in proposing posture,
assumed young and smart
yet unsure to spell out,
the exotic feelings,
mushroomed in his heart

Lastly gathered courage,
uttered d' words, “Its for u,
only for you my dear"
"I love you so much,
love from core of my heart,
missed u since years"

"You're so sweet, vibrant too,
come away with me,
to a place far from here"
"We‘ll marry, be my wife
build a house, stay together
no one can bother"
Not irked, grandma's said,
 "I’m already married to u"
d' usual reply of every day,
With a smile grandpa told
"How nice, is it so?,
u truly love this genius boy!"

Its a precious moment,
a smile flickered in smiley face,
eyes depicted ample satiety
Every morning, I eagerly wait,
for same drama, to be enacted
just to have a glimpse of it

For him, each morning,
a different morning,
he’s a fresh romantic person
avidly waits to meet grandma
his cute lady love,
no chance ever taken
Hula hope sprouts in mind,
current facts fully forgotten
his Alzheimer’s creates,
d' funny episodes of,
these melodrama situations
Climax of the drama,
most enjoyable to watch,
recent past faded from mind
peak of a pleasing moment
in life of family members,
nothing else, be of its kind

Doesn’t know who is he
young or old, where’s his home
who his own, who’s outsider
From where he has come from,
what’s his goal in life
is it to seek a life partner?


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