Sunday 1 January 2017

Took d’ challenge, did it solo

As told, met ostomy nurse,

she assured,“take it easy”

steadily, u'll get used to it,

fully forget, if you’re busy

Pouches, stomas, truly odd,

not openly talked in society

ignorance makes it fierce,

builds up unneeded anxiety
 Surgeon gave me ample time,

told,“it has reached a point

 now symptoms and CT speak,

surgery the only option left”
May be, you need a stoma,

we’ll be sure, once open up”

didn’t get full implications of

the assertion, till he sum up

Clarified all, in simple words,

replied what I wished to know

odd phase in life, u may face,

see nurse, d' booklet u go thro’

Night before surgery, I realized,

it ought to happen, why a fuss

some queries still unanswered,

asked all, who ever came across

A black cross, marked on tummy

on d’ left, for surgeon to aim at

shifted to theatre on a stretcher,

next morn'n in recovery we met

Greeted me with good morning,

in grief wet tone told,” I’m sorry”

blanket lifted, could see d' pouch,

gut pouted into it, made me worry
Had seen pictures in d' booklet,

now live hole, on my own belly

emptying pouch hung from it,

awful event to cope with truly

 Ready to face d' shaky event,

touched stoma out in d' open

learnt to empty, alter d' pouch,

my own live moving companion

Intestine sticks out thro' body,

to transparent bag over d' end

gut behaves docile, no hurting,

if I sit, get up, move or bend
Sensations nil, easy to wipe,

alternate day, new one's fixed

nurse showed stoma care well,

handed over stoma survival kit
Initial trepidation vanished fast,

but so much else to think about

curtain pulled, taught each step,

before I'm being discharged out

"Adjacent area, clean with wipe,

peel seal-sheet off d’ back plate

position on stoma, gently press,

make sure hangs down straight"

To avoid a squashing of  pouch,

I took to sleeping, on my back

to keep stoma at a high point,

an easy escape for bowel gas

Water, only precious beverage,

keep on drinking d' entire day

proper hydration of d' system,

keeps Crohn symptoms at bay

Can't digest pop corn, salads,

nuts, sprouts and pineapple

 flare up foods must give up,

and avoid becoming unwell

Stomas do strange noises,

unnoticed in crowded trains

if gut gas balloons d' pouch,

 I feel much awkward then
In a quiet commuter train,
d' pouch may detach and fly
grasped input-output times
modern adhesive strap I try
 Morning, most suitable time,

to focus on pouch alteration

lunch in office, controlled one,

strictly stick to my limitations
Journey time n' office hours
keep stoma in resting state 
no volcano, yet may explode
emit undesired items n' gas
 Now fix pouch in position fast,
job done easily then expected
took the challenge, did it solo,
a stress free way, I've started 


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