Friday 31 July 2020

The old tree in d' garden, even if fruitless

If ever wish to enjoy li'l hot coffee,

chit-chat in d' shivering chilly winter

each time she comes to her hubby,

asks him to open the coffee bottle


It seems so funny and fascinating,

she looked aged but not incapable

yet we made it a point to visit them,

d' next door, coffee-loving couple,


To have excellent coffee, in some plea,

more or less each Sunday we pay a visit

now become fans of d' senior citizens,

wife about 74 yrs, hubby completed 78


In d' shopping mall we avidly chose,

an apt gadget packed it in a wrapper

wished to gift her on some occasion,

a handy lovely coffee bottle opener


Chose a time with care to meet her,

a clandestine visit, too interesting

in d' absence of her alert husband,

briefed d' purpose, use, everything


She noticed d' trick with much care,

d' lovely demo, opener looked cosy

she attempted to use d' instrument

opening the bottle was damn easy


Waited with a bated breath till d' next

opportune minute on Sunday evening

to enjoy coffee and watch d' storyline,

we wished them and offhand walked in


Talked regarding d' corona pandemic,

WHO's advice, age-linked risk factors

if coffee boosts d' immunity, I'm ready

to make coffee for all of us don't bother


She went in, brought d' coffee bottle,

asked her hubby to open it as earlier

enough corona jokes got discussed,

she must have forgotten the opener


D' opportune moment came one day,

she was alone, we wished to clarify

did she forget d' easy way out to open,

got too impatient, eager to know why


We d' inquisitive couples quizzed her,

her casual reply made us speechless

I can effortlessly open the lid myself,

even do not need to use your gadget


But I always make it a point to ask him

to do a job as if it's a tough manoeuvre

so he feels himself stronger than me,

absolutely fit, a masculine character


Don't have many more yrs of life in us,

he might not bring in money any longer,

still is of much value, I depend on him,

yet d' man of our home, useful forever


Togetherness, d' essence of marriage,

so now just his presence is priceless

we feel blessed underneath its shade,

d' old tree in d' garden, even if fruitless

Wednesday 29 July 2020

But he's much richer to me by heart

I had been to d' nearby sweet store,

to buy 5 ladoos, as I'm very fond of

to enjoy it in piecemeal, little by little,

while reading d' novel's thrilling stuff

In d' sultry hot summer, I felt tired,

saw a tree with a cemented platform

enraptured in my novel very soon,

snuggly plugged in my earphone

One weird looking guy popped up,

and sat close to me, I just did ignore

it was shocking, without asking me,

my ladoo casually started to devour


I too picked up a ladoo in aggression,

started chewing, of course it’s my right

felt awkward, too much annoyed, but

no wish to confront, not keen to fight


In a jubilant mood, mumbling a song,

he picked up one more from d' packet

oh my God, it appeared much bizarre,

blood was boiling beneath my chest


Before he’s able to finish d’ entire lot,

I ate one more, tried to avoid d’ rouge

let go of such an awful occurrence,

began d’ novel fresh from d' prologue


Abruptly he got up, with the last one,

from the box offered half of it to me

he ate the other half, started walking,

I was tense, but he departed carefree


He coolly left, it ‘s truly a great relief,

I wished to know how far he's gone

but startled to see a box lying there,

which added to my utter confusion


This box belongs to me, no doubt,

all the five ladoos found intact in it

whatever stuff hurriedly I did gulp,

grabbed from him wished to vomit


He also shared the concluding one,

uttered no words or tried to protract

my pecuniary bounty might be stout,

but he’s much richer to me by heart

Monday 27 July 2020

Moisture steadily built up in his eyes

All d' fifteen just had a similar wish,

in d' chilly dawn to have a cup of tea

such a futile wish hard to be fulfilled,

no one to offer, won't work any plea


On a move to own posts in d' Himalayas,

it is in Kashmir's hilly Kupwara sector

deployed for the next three months,

d' group of 15 soldiers led by a Major


Batch to be relieved waited eagerly,

for these marching guys' entry there

after an hour d' major could locate,

a probable tea shop's ruined structure


"Bad luck boys, no tea, only li'l rest",

in a disappointed tone told d' major

"Sir, can make tea, if break the lock,

suggested a guy from the soldiers"


"No one there, you wish to break open,

an unethical proposal, how to accept?"

D' officer was put to a great dilemma,

on d' contrary d' army ought to protect


For d' tired soldiers in d' winter cold,

a cup of steaming tea, genuine need

unwise to suffer long for d' indecision

made him okay d' permission, he did


They were in luck, all d' items found

to make tea, also a packet of biscuit

had enough tea, biscuits as per will,

for the remaining journey felt fully fit


Without approval of the shop owner,

had the tea, biscuits, used the milk

not desired from disciplined soldiers,

can't behave as if a band of thieves


He took out a few thousand rupees

from d' wallet, placed it on d' counter

so that can catch the owner's eyes,

pressed it under a sugar container


Now felt better, relieved of his guilt,

ordered them to aptly shut the doors

d' batch revived their shrunk energy,

to d' work spot could proceed further


Pursued to do gallantly in their job,

in that intense insurgency situation

a fresh batch to replace them joined,

lucky, from d' group no loss of anyone


Merrily returned and on their way back,

halted at that place, d' same tea shop

it was evening, yet d' shop was open,

d' owner happily greeted d' customers


Had tea-biscuits, did chit-chatting,

lovely tea with meagre resources

they too talked to him, asked about,

why selling tea at this remote place


"Who all u do get as your customers,

How's life, how do u gather strength?"

the old man had many stories to tell

but said "God is there, I've ample faith"


"Yet he keeps you in such hardship?"

"got proof of his presence", he claimed

d' guys asked, "what proof do u have?"

he unfolded d' story of 3 months back


"Did pass through a very tough time,

my only son, beaten up by terrorists

to extract some information from him

but d' unaware boy, could not depict"


"I closed d' shop, took him to Hospital,

even had no money to buy medicines

no one lent me in fear of d' terrorists,

only prayed God, in d' terrible scene"


"God walked into my shop that day,

I returned, found d' door lock broken

I felt that I was finished and doomed,

whatever little I had, is robbed, gone"


"But could see some currency notes,

on kitchen shelf under d' sugar pot

can't guess d' value of that amount,

much more than my son's life worth"


The faith in his eyes was unflinching,

15 pair of eyes met eyes of d' Major

just keep quiet, no further talks on it,

was d' clear-cut unpronounced order


The officer got up and paid the bill,

said, "tea was wonderful"!

and hugged d' old man tight

"I do agree,

God exists, redeems us in distress",

moisture steadily built up in his eyes

Sunday 19 July 2020

She never guessed my sweet feel

With her placid look,
each time she gives a glance
I trawl away from me unaware
soaked in her innocence
Mind pushes off silently,
a tale tough to chronicle
her thin aroma mesmerizes me,
can she guess my sweet feel?

My longing eyes search for her,
love her shyness, hesitation
every now and then I get lost,
in her appealing expression
Drops into my foggy dreams,
smashes sleep, makes me ill
never mind to take on d' illness,
but can she guess my sweet feel?

Just a delicate blooming flower
or fully fragrant a floret garden?
gasp for fitting words to narrate,
can't carve, 
carving being my passion
A co-commuter in life's journey,
unusual a guest with mighty zeal
my heart hammers so erratically,
 she's able to sense my sweet feel?

A lovely lively, fresh little blue lily,
spreads hue in a crystal clear lake
remains anonymous, uneventful,
makes me assume it's for my sake
The long stretch of my path of love,
precisely ends near her door grill
her every single venture I do love,
can she ever guess my sweet feel?

Clung like a faint shadow to me,
her thoughts follow wherever I go
in a gloomy track, if be perceptible,
and won't desert me, I never know
D' butterfly, if lastly shoves me off,
my real-life might turn in to a reel
then my angst would get affirmed,
she never guessed my sweet feel

Friday 10 July 2020

In this world full of irony

Twenty-twenty, a year of concern
"welcome new year", did we wish?
begun with a wicked almanac,
made a mess in life,
its ill-effects never finish

Traffic accidents almost nil,
no rush hour stand-still trouble
roads empty and risk-free
long drive trips yet not possible
Pollution at its lowest level,
the air appears clean and pure
yet mandatory to put on a mask,
or a penalty to be charged for sure

Friends got plenty of spare time,
but not allowed for a get-together
chit-chatting, fun making tricks,
almost forgotten forever
Hands are clean, often sanitized,
yet shaking hands is banned
to greet people you meet,
hit d' forehead on folded hands

The cook inside you turns crazy,
to prepare palatable dishes
but can't invite anyone for food,
family friends as per your wishes
On Monday mornings it occurs,
an inertia to rush makes restless
the heart longs to be in d' office,
so look for a pair of clean dress
Holidaying over, enough is enough
signals stipulate it's time to land,
left the office a long time back,
but d' weekend seems not to end

Money in lockers lying idle,
to get out it is too eager
being d' owner, no scope to spend
in markets, malls, hotels, theatres
Have-nots know not d' trick to earn,
better to thrive on free rations
sit at home, get the subsidy,
direct in d' account as sanctions

Plenty of time in hand,
to dream things, try miracles
but wings clipped, freedom curtailed,
fulfilling those not possible
d' omnipotent culprit is all around
but can't be seen, appears funny
perspectives positive,
but must test negative
in this world full of irony!

Sunday 5 July 2020

A valued gift from my dear spouse

When my job, so demanding,
evidently toilsome to manage
both look vital, d' job of a chef,
and a husband after marriage

D' full lining of a chef's jacket,
not made with gold leaves
customer's comfort, a concern,
so also cheer in personal life

Busy on all special occasions,
new year's eve, Valentines day
for long hours, day in and day out
 most of the period alone to stay

To marry a damsel, satisfying,
but might turn to be a big risk
carry home d' flavour of spices, 
d' smell of smoke, onion and fish

Nothing is glamourous about it,
being an active restaurant chef
never desire to cook at home,
d' art of making cuisine, not safe

Waiters pick up d' order of eatables,
d' amuse-bouch, chef's choice alone
hones d' taste buds of client's mouth,
offered free of charge for reputation

Routine back-breaking tough hours,
that would make the cowards cry
start snoring in a standing posture,
back home by midnight, we truly try

No leisure time to relax, chit-chat,
calls in service time just unwanted
mastered to answer in short order,
quick and brief, in words counted

Love if she cooks for me, and SMS,
rush home fast, as fast as I could
can skip d' dinner in the staff mess,
a craze to relish d' homemade food

 For a passionless guy, it's a hard job,
only for craft lovers those who dream,
who love it, live it, smell it, swallow it
vow to glorify taste of client cousins

My grocery shopping too expensive,
applies for every basic ingredient
can't limit as per d' home economy,
much beyond her monthly budget

On occasions, I do cook at home,
she just falls in love all over again
as did, when the first time we met,
being a bonafide food lover, then
Planned to open our own restaurant,
work non-stop, life to prosper that way
no fund for own set-up, job in a hotel,
when off work, love to sleep all-day

Unable to give enough time to her,
life might slip into d' troubled waters
food fascination if dissipates slowly,
at some point may file legal papers

 In undertone whispered in my ears,
 she hinted about the bundle of joy
   she's expecting, a vibrating bulletin,
is it a meek girl or a naughty boy?

Babies are blessings ought to agree,
but tough to handle such a situation
not to tackle a recipe in d' restaurant,
 to put garlic in d' spinach's forgotten

Now we are no more just two of us,
emotion, fear, anxiety all creeping in
paternity leave allowed in chef's job,
I'm not sure, but a demand genuine

A delicate time makes more ambitious,
to prove integrity, safeguard own carrier
to strike balance between d' best chef,
perfect husband and an efficient father

Despite demands at d’ workplace,
to be more active around d' house
fresh member to join d' family soon,
the new soul,
a valued gift from my dear spouse