Friday 31 July 2020

The old tree in d' garden, even if fruitless

If ever wish to enjoy li'l hot coffee,

chit-chat in d' shivering chilly winter

each time she comes to her hubby,

asks him to open the coffee bottle


It seems so funny and fascinating,

she looked aged but not incapable

yet we made it a point to visit them,

d' next door, coffee-loving couple,


To have excellent coffee, in some plea,

more or less each Sunday we pay a visit

now become fans of d' senior citizens,

wife about 74 yrs, hubby completed 78


In d' shopping mall we avidly chose,

an apt gadget packed it in a wrapper

wished to gift her on some occasion,

a handy lovely coffee bottle opener


Chose a time with care to meet her,

a clandestine visit, too interesting

in d' absence of her alert husband,

briefed d' purpose, use, everything


She noticed d' trick with much care,

d' lovely demo, opener looked cosy

she attempted to use d' instrument

opening the bottle was damn easy


Waited with a bated breath till d' next

opportune minute on Sunday evening

to enjoy coffee and watch d' storyline,

we wished them and offhand walked in


Talked regarding d' corona pandemic,

WHO's advice, age-linked risk factors

if coffee boosts d' immunity, I'm ready

to make coffee for all of us don't bother


She went in, brought d' coffee bottle,

asked her hubby to open it as earlier

enough corona jokes got discussed,

she must have forgotten the opener


D' opportune moment came one day,

she was alone, we wished to clarify

did she forget d' easy way out to open,

got too impatient, eager to know why


We d' inquisitive couples quizzed her,

her casual reply made us speechless

I can effortlessly open the lid myself,

even do not need to use your gadget


But I always make it a point to ask him

to do a job as if it's a tough manoeuvre

so he feels himself stronger than me,

absolutely fit, a masculine character


Don't have many more yrs of life in us,

he might not bring in money any longer,

still is of much value, I depend on him,

yet d' man of our home, useful forever


Togetherness, d' essence of marriage,

so now just his presence is priceless

we feel blessed underneath its shade,

d' old tree in d' garden, even if fruitless


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