Sunday 19 July 2020

She never guessed my sweet feel

With her placid look,
each time she gives a glance
I trawl away from me unaware
soaked in her innocence
Mind pushes off silently,
a tale tough to chronicle
her thin aroma mesmerizes me,
can she guess my sweet feel?

My longing eyes search for her,
love her shyness, hesitation
every now and then I get lost,
in her appealing expression
Drops into my foggy dreams,
smashes sleep, makes me ill
never mind to take on d' illness,
but can she guess my sweet feel?

Just a delicate blooming flower
or fully fragrant a floret garden?
gasp for fitting words to narrate,
can't carve, 
carving being my passion
A co-commuter in life's journey,
unusual a guest with mighty zeal
my heart hammers so erratically,
 she's able to sense my sweet feel?

A lovely lively, fresh little blue lily,
spreads hue in a crystal clear lake
remains anonymous, uneventful,
makes me assume it's for my sake
The long stretch of my path of love,
precisely ends near her door grill
her every single venture I do love,
can she ever guess my sweet feel?

Clung like a faint shadow to me,
her thoughts follow wherever I go
in a gloomy track, if be perceptible,
and won't desert me, I never know
D' butterfly, if lastly shoves me off,
my real-life might turn in to a reel
then my angst would get affirmed,
she never guessed my sweet feel


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