Monday 27 July 2020

Moisture steadily built up in his eyes

All d' fifteen just had a similar wish,

in d' chilly dawn to have a cup of tea

such a futile wish hard to be fulfilled,

no one to offer, won't work any plea


On a move to own posts in d' Himalayas,

it is in Kashmir's hilly Kupwara sector

deployed for the next three months,

d' group of 15 soldiers led by a Major


Batch to be relieved waited eagerly,

for these marching guys' entry there

after an hour d' major could locate,

a probable tea shop's ruined structure


"Bad luck boys, no tea, only li'l rest",

in a disappointed tone told d' major

"Sir, can make tea, if break the lock,

suggested a guy from the soldiers"


"No one there, you wish to break open,

an unethical proposal, how to accept?"

D' officer was put to a great dilemma,

on d' contrary d' army ought to protect


For d' tired soldiers in d' winter cold,

a cup of steaming tea, genuine need

unwise to suffer long for d' indecision

made him okay d' permission, he did


They were in luck, all d' items found

to make tea, also a packet of biscuit

had enough tea, biscuits as per will,

for the remaining journey felt fully fit


Without approval of the shop owner,

had the tea, biscuits, used the milk

not desired from disciplined soldiers,

can't behave as if a band of thieves


He took out a few thousand rupees

from d' wallet, placed it on d' counter

so that can catch the owner's eyes,

pressed it under a sugar container


Now felt better, relieved of his guilt,

ordered them to aptly shut the doors

d' batch revived their shrunk energy,

to d' work spot could proceed further


Pursued to do gallantly in their job,

in that intense insurgency situation

a fresh batch to replace them joined,

lucky, from d' group no loss of anyone


Merrily returned and on their way back,

halted at that place, d' same tea shop

it was evening, yet d' shop was open,

d' owner happily greeted d' customers


Had tea-biscuits, did chit-chatting,

lovely tea with meagre resources

they too talked to him, asked about,

why selling tea at this remote place


"Who all u do get as your customers,

How's life, how do u gather strength?"

the old man had many stories to tell

but said "God is there, I've ample faith"


"Yet he keeps you in such hardship?"

"got proof of his presence", he claimed

d' guys asked, "what proof do u have?"

he unfolded d' story of 3 months back


"Did pass through a very tough time,

my only son, beaten up by terrorists

to extract some information from him

but d' unaware boy, could not depict"


"I closed d' shop, took him to Hospital,

even had no money to buy medicines

no one lent me in fear of d' terrorists,

only prayed God, in d' terrible scene"


"God walked into my shop that day,

I returned, found d' door lock broken

I felt that I was finished and doomed,

whatever little I had, is robbed, gone"


"But could see some currency notes,

on kitchen shelf under d' sugar pot

can't guess d' value of that amount,

much more than my son's life worth"


The faith in his eyes was unflinching,

15 pair of eyes met eyes of d' Major

just keep quiet, no further talks on it,

was d' clear-cut unpronounced order


The officer got up and paid the bill,

said, "tea was wonderful"!

and hugged d' old man tight

"I do agree,

God exists, redeems us in distress",

moisture steadily built up in his eyes


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