Wednesday 18 November 2020

Home a cozy abode, can't be a jail


If you keep on hiding my dear,

I'm concerned, unable to trace

relieve me from all my anguish,

come out soon, show your face


Came from Andaman isles with

uncle of N geographic channel

God sent you to me as a friend,

in lazy corona time as a miracle


Unable to recall the past habitat,

my home now your home forever

I love you so much, my pet turtle

u turned a crucial family member


Love to watch d' view on d' road,

peep out from the grill in balcony

stretch legs towards d' raindrops,

enjoy a climate windy and rainy


When u miss me, sit on my shoes,

wait for my voice, breath sounds

salute your patience, sit in silence

till Granny calls and till I'm found


You run behind me fast and play,

after my online classes are over

a deep night sleep under my cot

shoving d' head in some fissure


When I get up in the morning,

hang down from bed and shout

eager to see your lovely face,

the way u stick your neck out


No chit-chats, no friends to play,

lockdown caused enough trouble

no b'day parties, no visit of malls,

now my only friend, my pet turtle


I stopped eating Hakka noodles,

you left Chinese turtle food dear

I undid apps from Granny's cell,

both boycotted China together


I threw out jocular Chinese dolls,

you now eat vegetables, peanuts

wish to teach a lesson to China,

my pet turtle and me, both patriots


Kept me busy, my noiseless friend,

you stay at ease in your own shell

taught me to be cheerful at home,

home a cozy abode, can't be a jail


Unknown said...

wow this poem is amazing, is it about my pet turtle ??

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