Sunday 28 March 2021

The kindness, d’ charity ought to return


From his getup, decent features,

a lofty status, the man assessed

then eagerly asked for a bounty,

a luring sum in alms he expected


D’ gentleman was quiet for a while,

then with all seriousness enquired

anything to anybody ever in life,

on any occasion have u donated?


Think for a moment, try to recall,

he got startled and had no answer

have nothing to share, he uttered,

what can I give away, I’m so poor


Why should I give you? for what?

you never gave a thing to anyone,

I proffer no charity to such people,

from me how do u expect an alms?


Mood got off, came back to d’ hut,

spent a sleepless night in tension

got up early, went to the rly station

found elegant flowers in d’ garden

Plucked few flowers, heedfully kept,

to give to few commuters selected

if anyone offered him some amount,

with gratitude, he politely accepted


Put on neat cloth, pursued d’ chore,

commuters appeared pleased then

he earned much more than earlier,

in mind he thanked the gentleman


Had d’ occasion to meet him again,

soon he offered him a lovely flower

a 10Rs note from purse, he took out,

gave him along with tips little more


Are you taking care of those plants,

from which you plucked the flowers

never thought of this he confessed,

learn to care of things told d’ adviser


The beggar got entirely confused,

thought, I’ve not planted d’ saplings

neither watered nor reared d’ plants,

but use d’ flowers for my wellbeing

That must be for my previous karma,

which entitled me for such a privilege

must abide by d’ words of my mentor,

think of d’ priceless words of d’ siege


Befitting future experience to come,

in response to the current action

in d’ precise law of cause and effect,

by no means variations can be done


In d’ barren land nearby the station,

planted saplings in d’ morning hours

d’ area beautified, buds burgeoned,

started selling bouquets and flowers


Met d’ gentleman once again in train,

sir, we’ve already met earlier, do recall

he sat facing him, in his neat attires,

as an average person, now no beggar


He shook his head from side to side,

declined d’ claim with a gentle smile

may be, I’m not able to remember it,

busy in some major work for a while

But do narrate, how do u know me,

strange sitches made us meet twice

events altered as I heeded your words,

both times got your priceless advice


Life’s lessons try to tutor us in tons,

grant an abundant leeway to prosper

our actions, reactions, good and bad,

assuredly come back to us in d’ future


Not granted to carry forward anything,

learn to give others, d’ needy persons

at a later time, through some means,

d’ kindness, d’ charity ought to return




Pray you to forget to be a father


Listen papa, why u prefer to act,

absolutely atypical, exotic kind

avow a wish not to be a father

won’t tell u a word, never mind

set aside every single worry,

for your kids just don’t bother

live a casual, easy-going life,

only once forget to be a father


Openly express d’ cash crunch,

rebuff firmly no buy of 4 wheeler

and daily don’t come home late,

in office wasting 4 hours more

your time out, most paramount,

for adequate rest, personal care

only once forget to be a father


How manage a couple of worlds,

one outside and a different here

awfully ineffable your dual role,

for own sake bring a little cheer

not being around the entire day,

as an isolated stressful forebear

your kids adept in trusting tricks,

to solve any issue what so over

only once u cease to be a father


Say valiantly enough is enough,

from me expect nothing more

giving the fake solacing smiles,

why bear entire family pressure

disregard d’ welfare of mankind,

now focus on own comfort more

only once u forget to be a father


To make d’ home a real home,

venture to amuse all d’ kinfolk

take for dining, shopping sprees,

in parties, functions, cut jokes

keep on planning tours, picnics,

devote each minute and hour

your supervision, timely food,

prompts d’ for pills get ignored

just once u leave to be a father


Utterly wrestle to fulfill d’ whim

of every single family member

perturbed, upset for d’ whole lot,

accede defeat, it hardly matters

hide own fragility, bad periods,

your only focus, family welfare

puff pathos as cigarette smoke,

if in heart d’ problems smolder

once quit to be a papa any more


Then newly-wed, u were no papa,

d’ matter may be few yrs before

those jolly days, fun with friends,

pleas to boss, forgotten forever?

d’ drizzling episodes at Shillong,

recall d’ Leh-Ladakh trips never

those nice delightful moments,

ought to turn u maniac for sure

do backslide to that golden era

again disregard to be a father


Now make excuses for outings,

endorse home as a place better

skip your each happy moments

give priority to solve our obstacles

listen papa,

your unbecoming of loyal papa,

we hanker for forever and ever

pray you to forget to be a father


Monday 22 March 2021

Besides You Forever


A little boy said to a dainty girl,

I laugh a li'l loud, cry a li'l less

and smile a lot more at d' end

as because I'm your BF dear,

BF!, what do u mean by that?

that means your best friend


Committed to each other,

spend time together

on a regular basis

d' young man told d' mousy girl,

I am your caring BF miss

d' girl leaned on his shoulder

shyly asked d' meaning

one day I'll be a husband

and you, my lovely wife

but now a mere boyfriend


It occurred as if a miracle,

they got married, a few yrs later

got blessed with a baby son

d' husband kidded his wife,

I am your BF, honey! do listen

wife mumbled to elaborate further

d' jovial hubby daringly declare

it's your Baby's father!


Age advanced, both turned older,

sat together in d' side portico

staring out at d' setting sun

I'm your BF for sure, honey

it's beyond doubt, he made fun

d' old lady gave a vacant smile,

furrows in forehead overplayed

Be Forever! d' mysterious words

d' joyful man amusingly replied


It's time to bid farewell to life,

little life left to spell out d' feeling

feeble lips flickered to pronounce

it's a good BF my darling

d' old lady gave a gloomy look,

waited enduringly for an answer

he responded, then closed his eyes

It's a good Bye Forever!


She too passed away a few days later

before closing her eyes insisted

to be carried to d' graveyard

nearby d' old man's grave

got an occasion to whisper

Hello dear, do you listen!

today I'm BYF, dear

Besides You Forever

Monday 15 March 2021

Thinks of others, a valued human being

A  letter addressed to someone,

belongs to the area but unknown

knew virtually every house there,

almost all d' natives of that zone


Since past so many yrs doing d' job,

he routinely distributes the letters

but had never gone to that house,

no occasion to know anyone there


Dispensed d' letters the entire day,

searched d' address, reached there

pressed d' bell, a reply from inside,

"Who is that?" it was d' voice of a girl


Postman here, you've got a letter,

put the letter from under d' doors

no minimum courtesy to collect it,

directs from d' inside, grim manner


I came with the letter from so far,

and she can't make it up to d' door

now he responded in a stern tone,

a registered letter, need d' signature


"Ok, coming", the words from inside,

stood for long, but no one came out

d' postman lastly lost his composure,

got exasperated and wished to shout


To deliver your letter, not d' only job,

I've to deal with various other things

can return d' letter with a comment,

the addressee not keen on receiving


D' door opened, got dumbfounded,

a 10 to 12 yr girl was in front of him

with much effort, managed to open,

both of her legs were found missing


Moreover apologized for being late,

he felt too bad of his awful manners

told, "Never mind, please receive it",

took the signature, gave her d' letter


About a week later, another letter,

sent to d' same address he brought

need no sign, he pressed d' doorbell,

can push it underneath, he thought


A sharp retort came from inside, "No,

don't do that, please wait, I'm coming"

d' door opened, she received d' letter,

and handed over a packed box to him


"A gift, please do accept, don't refuse",

he took it inadvertently but felt bad

"Solely for u uncle, thanks for d' letter",

"But there was no need of it", he said


"Not permitted to inspect it right now,

after d' duty, naively open it at home"

his patience started evaporating fast,

could not speculate d' surprised item


Opened d' box after reaching home,

an aptly packed nice pair of slippers

but startled how she could judge, his

pertinent need since so many years


Disburses d' letters for so many years,

but no one ever noticed his barefoot

noted d' trouble, thought of a resolve,

d' incredible feel in him turned acute


Could realize d' soreness of a postman,

a handicapped young girl without feet

he kept the slippers close to his heart,

a priceless and utmost cherished gift


A tear trickled nonstop from his eyes,

recalled d' girl, her tone commanding

so sympathetic ignores own problems,

thinks of others, a valued human being

Sunday 14 March 2021

They are no fools, can teach you a lesson

I can't help it, it's d' statute of d' bank

please step aside, if no other matter

a long line of customers behind you,

make way for them, your task is over


She returned d' old lady her bank card,

d' lady wanted to know d' valid reason

why she can't withdraw d' Rs 500 cash,

for d' purpose a long way she had come


D' cashier got irritated, murmured again

for withdrawal of a sum below RS 5000

need not wait in d' queue at d' counter,

finish the job jolly well, using the ATM


She remained silent for a few seconds,

handed back d' card to d' cashier again

"Help me withdraw all d' money I have,

for my effortless usage with no bargain


The cashier checked d' account balance,

her mouth stayed agape, eyes gawking

she had 2 crores, 5 lakhs, 7899 rupees,

such huge savings, she couldn't imagine


Unwittingly she turned too polite, told,

the bank doesn't have that much cash

Ma'm, please do book an appointment,

to collect d' amount comes after 2 days


How much can I withdraw immediately?

an amount up to 10 lakhs may be possible

"Pl. let me have it now", the old lady said,

d' cashier felt d' heat, she was in trouble


She then angrily went back to the vault…

retrieved stacks of Rs 500 notes from a tray

counting out d' currency spent  10 minutes,

"Ma'm, anything else I can do for u today?"


An annoyance clearly visible in her face,

to cover it up she attempted her utmost

please deposit Rs 9, 99,500 in my account,

in d' purse precisely kept one Rs 500 note


Spent an entire lifetime, learned d' tricks,

to deal with d' fussy intractable persons

if mess with them, the older generation,

they are no fools, can teach you a lesson

Saturday 13 March 2021

So nearby, close to us, yet not realizing


Asked in empathy marinated words,

the whole lot, in their terminal state

Ms. Bronnie Ware aimed to explore,

in life, if anyone had a bit of regret 

D' Australian nurse just got startled,

it seemed to her immensely peculiar

patients disparate diseases unalike,

yet each dying being's regrets similar


Wish I would have lived a liberal life,

as per own unfettered calculations

the wariness for the people around,

made me put up life in apprehension 

I never proceed as per my free will

to put on attires, in d' hair grooming

to grow a mustache, dining decency,

manner to wish d' elders, everything


Forgone d' dream job, buried passion,

rattled, what the people would think

now while waiting for my final breath,

I realize all to be fatuous, had no link 

Couldn't marry a person of my choice,

never took a stand on things I believe

cared too much for people's thought,

thus such a day of regret could arrive


Tactfully extracted d' feel of remorse,

in their life, for d' thing they had done

the anguish, an utter disappointment,

that time, not taking d' right decision 

D' things u believe, take a stand on it,

what d' people will think don't bother

it's no provocation to get rebellious,

at least not to regret someday later


Wouldn't have done this load of work,

to spend more time with my spouse

would have espied the kids growing,

cared for parents, pet, garden, house 

Primetime never comes back in life,

got success  at d' cost of own youth

quite a few,  too close to the heart,

got needlessly ignored, it's d' truth


A dying man by no means regrets,

for not buying houses/ subtle plots

no exotic jewelry, no lavish vehicles,

utterly absurd the materialistic lots 

Remained in contact with no friends,

never called them, sent no messages

most of d' dying people knew it well,

it could have brought huge happiness


No value, ever given to d' priorities,

or else life would have transformed

the gospel truth realized overly late,

at d' gloomy time for d' culmination 

That golden era won't be back again,

plan the life, create time and space

no hard work at the cost of d' youth,

to pay a heavy price being in d' race


Not bold enough to express feelings,

took them for granted who helped us

now if they revolt, hurt your feelings,

force u to keep your fingers crossed 

D' control of happiness, in your hands,

hidden in plenty in d' daily happenings

regret for d' little glee at our easy reach,

so nearby, close to us, yet not realizing