Tuesday 27 April 2021

No one will ever be able to prevent

Saplings, the lovely baby plants,

a useful investment for the future

garnish d' landscape, give shade,

relieve from d' solar temperature


Generate ample O2 and purify d' air

furnish fruits and nuts, even timber

will invite the birds, essential bees,

clear pollutants from d' atmosphere


As the elaborate lecture was over,

d' new sarpanch asked for a shovel

placed sapling in a pit already dug,

put compost, soil and covered it well


Did initial irrigation with a sprinkler,

between a long stretch of applause

a crowd of villagers enjoyed d' function

but d' protection part never ensured


Got from d' bushes d' herd of goats,

the shepherd boy singing, whistling

goats rushed back to their fav sheds

d' billy-goat of d' sarpanch, missing


In d' twilight of approaching evening,

the tempting sapling it could notice

escaped quietly to d' palatable shrub,

chewed d' leaves, stem and relished


Oath-taking day for d' new sarpanch,

d' elected members' welcome dinner

chose the billy-goat to be sacrificed,

for d' lavish dish of invitees, members


Sarpanch had a fever d' next day,

with body ache, throat pain, frailty

RT-PCR done and found positive,

ran into acute breathing difficulty


Admitted in d' intensive care unit,

d' oxygen saturation began falling

the corona casually devoured him,

d' post, power, kin could do nothing


Mishaps often wipe out the species,

sacrifices for manmade merriments

it's the ecosystem's natural balance,

no one will ever be able to prevent


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