Thursday 29 April 2021

Flawlessly do d' rituals, presumed

Disposal of the mortal remains

tough, yet somehow was done

permitted to cremate the body

with d' local police permission


In the holy Ganga at Haridwar,

bones, waiting to be dispersed

till d' lock-down stretch is over

to be collected and preserved


Keep those safe is a hell of a job,

till in d' sacred stream it is flown

a must for d' salvation of d' soul,

role of 1st daughter-in-law & son


D' commissioner of police to issue

pass to proceed, accord sanction

cross d' sealed borders of various

states to advance to d' destination


Must process ample valid reasons,

till that time, how to keep the bone

not tenable to stack inside d' house,

d' dwelling place of family persons


Friends-kin urged for the lockers,

handy in the ground of cremation

they negated, expressed inability,

entire lot filled for d' same reason


What is the next probable option,

maybe to inhume deep into a pit

in d' front yard of the house, but

dogs & jackals try to dig out of it


Absurd to guard it d' entire night,

d' lock-down period might extend

but how far nobody was certain

no amount of consultation helped


Ultimately took a tough decision,

hang on d' high branch of a tree

if seen from a distance distinctly,

and from d' canines safe and free


To protect from d' birds and rats

flawless to use impervious cloth

get up on to d' tree's top branch,

for a non-climber, overly difficult


Tied it with an unbreakable rope,

and knot put with myriad throws

eyed each of d' throws minutely,

no slip-out of packs by the crows


D' potent knots, doubly checked,

currently in an area out of reach

till the grimy corona crisis is over,

now can go for a peaceful sleep


Prayed to God, keep d' family safe,

train, flight & bus plying to resume

till then shouldn't contact corona,

flawlessly do d' rituals, presumed 


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