Monday 26 April 2021

Not me, she did d' tangible miracle

With a piggy bank in her hand,

ran fervently to d' shop counter

d' famed pharmacy in the street,

stood in d' crowd of d' customers


Wished to talk to d' shop keeper,

attempted calling him a few times

d' kindergarten girl of 7 yrs tried,

but d' busy owner couldn't notice


Utterly disheartened, annoyed,

put d' bank on the counter table

d' buyers-owner all looked at her

and watched d' unusual parable


The curious shopkeeper asked,

Hello dear! what do you want?

I need to buy only some miracle,

d' novice tone told in an instant


D' owner didn't follow her words,

neither any of those customers

all stared at her in utter surprise,

my dear, it's not available here


Surmised, he might be telling a lie,

she announced it loud and bold

I've ample coins in d' piggy bank,

how much u want for it? she told


I must buy one from your store,

but why do you need d' miracle?

a gentleman there funnily asked,

to buy it, asked your class teacher?


My brother got hit on his forehead,

in football match a few days back

parents hurried him to a Hospital,

vomited, had a terrible headache


Papa never says a word about him,

I kept asking him times and again

he will be back soon, don't bother,

but he didn't come home since then,


Mummy preys d' God, keeps crying,

papa had no funds for his treatment

said, only some miracle can save him

didn't ponder about my piggy bank


Papa hasn't that much, I've enough,

d' entire sum saved is with me here,

she lifted her earthen piggy bank up

and hit it hard on the pharmacy floor


Gathered the coins with her palm,

counted giving the entire attention

in lucid words stated, full 37rupees,

not less, d' buyers watched in fun


An alien uncle gave a sweet smile,

"You've enough coins, oh my God!

an ample amount for that miracle",

she got delighted, happy to hear


Uncle came home, met her papa

accepted d' amount from the girl

assured her to bring the miracle,

save her brother, no doubt at all


Clots took off from inside d' head,

with utmost care operation done

pain relieved, her bro' recovered,

uncle, an eminent neurosurgeon


He came back home fit and fine,

resumed his activities as earlier

lucky to meet such solacing soul,

prompt action, pacifying manners


Middle class, the worst cursed lot,

trek through many ups and downs

try to cross all d' curves-crevices,

just to survive, not to win a crown


Mummy asked dad in utter surprise,

how u managed, made it possible?

dad admirably looked at me, told,

not me, she did d' tangible miracle


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