Friday 23 April 2021

Face d' fate of the Buridan's ass

The disoriented unclear ass,

with its jarring hee-haw bray

quite luckless, with no options,

ill-fated, it wished to convey

Precisely put amidst d' three,

the hay, water, and d' grapes

has no choice to pick up one,

yet bent upon to avail d' best 

It's equally hungry and thirsty,

wishes too, relish d' fruits fresh

in dilemma to eat/ drink first or

first to enjoy d' flavor of grapes

A sensible ass as if is placed,

in this hypothetical scenario

equidistant from all allurants

d' hay, water, and grapes trio 

Attempted to apply the mind,

couldn't do a rational choice

lastly d' so-called 'rational ass',

had to die an irrational death


Some fully confused, stand-still

unable to execute their free will

wasting time to decide between

covaxin, sputnik and covishield

To such dubious unsure people,

applies d' philosophical paradox

if won't avail d' vaccine at hand,

face d' fate of the Buridan's ass


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