Saturday 24 April 2021

Grace won't let you alone by any chance

Struck up in a debate the Sun and a cave,

sun wanted to spell out what is brightness

d' essence of illumination luster and glare

but not aware of what meant by darkness


D' cave acknowledged the blazing light,

but told, I'm no symbol of mystery/ fear

tried d' level best to impress upon d' sun,

rather a fathomless cool serene sphere


In d' end concluded to alter d' positions,

the Cave ascended up to the Sun's locus

and narrated, "truly its beyond wonderful,

I never imagined it could be so hilarious"


Just come down, watch where I do put up,

and try to observe what d' darkness mean

Sun dived down to the vestibule of d' cave,

but couldn't visualize any darkness therein


While going down it took its light along,

and illuminated even the darkest corners

had no occasion to realize any difference,

hard to realize the darkness whatsoever


D' enlightened can't be pushed into hell,

can never be dropped into a black hole

they carry their heaven on d' shoulders,

their paradise from them, not separable


Everyone wishes for the sacred heaven,

but heaven is not real, a fictitious place

it's a state of mind, one needs to achieve,

shedding d' negativity, fear, and darkness


By a fluke, people turn into dark caves,

and keep on stockpiling the hell within

despite such enormous accumulations,

they remain hollow, howbeit resounding


Illumine like a Sun, gloom won't matter,

however worse may be d' circumstance

blessing and gratitude ever will pour in,

grace won't let you alone by any chance


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