Saturday, 31 October 2020

Unable to enjoy d' life so beautiful

Son intently looked skywards,

gazed at the kite with delight

saw d' swings for a long time,

Dad was flying d' colorful kite


Got perturbed and disturbed,

dithering he did ask his dad

d' string is in your tight grip,

looks absurd, improper, bad


You hold the thread rigidly,

the kite lost d' liberty to rise

unable to mount any further,

to pick up its expected height


Father heard son's regrets,

got little pensive for a while

but he postured to act wise,

gave a casual lenient smile


He decidedly broke d' string,

as his adoring son had urged

kite went high to d' horizon,

fully unsteady, uncontrolled


 After a while came down fast,

kids in d' street could locate it

a cute kite sailed over d' roofs,

hilarious but opened up fights


Ventures failed to catch intact,

it fell flat on the earth, got torn

d' chasers felt utterly dejected,

his gloomy son, about to mourn


Father sat next to him, tried his

utmost to pacify and convince

in life, we reach a certain level,

things won't happen as we wish


At a point, realize a few things,

not letting us grow any further

wish to be free of d' tight knots,

our home, tradition and culture


D' tough strings, secured knots,

we turn fully restless to unfasten

but to stay stable at lofty heights,

d' source of vigor not to be broken


Not to break away from d' strings,

tradition, culture family, relations

and lead d' life as a cordless kite,

can't run away from sweet home


Alike a cut kite, acts our destiny,

makes us fall fast, flop like a fool

d' aim to fly remains a nightmare,

unable to enjoy d' life so beautiful

Thursday, 29 October 2020

Much before I'm dead

When I'm dead, I'm sure,

tear trickle from your eyes

gallop beyond boundaries,

flow far ahead

but no scope for me to know,

so cry with me now instead,

we can do d' job together,

our passions pan out better

much before I'm dead


To my funeral, you'll come, with

a bouquet of chrysanthemum

to show your last respects

for my untimely death

but I won't see you mourn,

so better offer me now

a lone white rose instead

I'll feel fulfilled, fully satisfied

much before I'm dead


You will talk high of me,

I'm pretty sure my dear

pour words of praise,

but I won't ever hear

my triumphs to me won't be clear

With few paltry syllables,

praise me now instead

turn me jovial being,

much before I'm dead


You will forget my faults,

forgive me for all insults

but I can't know

that at last I'm excused

pardoned wholeheartedly by you

instead, do it now, please do

make me spotless

for my misdeeds, my mistakes

give me solace

bestow tranquility to my head

I feel calm and composed,

much before I'm dead


You will miss me a lot then,

but I'll never feel a trace

instead, miss me now and impress,

about d' pain of my absence

After my demise, you might wish,

to have spent more time with me

would have been lucky

try your luck now instead,

being with me for long

li'l precious time u can spend

much before I'm dead


When you'll hear I'm gone,

find your way to my home

to pay condolence

but we haven't even spoken in years

willfully or by mere chance

look for me now instead

even if you talk too less,

give me scope to get exalted

make me feel unique,

much before I'm dead


Pass moments with family persons,

friends, acquaintance

but with me maintain distance

time will take all away

from you someday

including myself, very far

Teeth often bite d' tongue,

yet they put up together

why can't one inculcate,

d' beauty of human relations

d' quality, not too tough to add

make my dreams fruitful,

much before I'm dead

Tuesday, 20 October 2020

Her suffocating husband


Sought a divorce from her husband,

but the grounds looked too unclear

only 18 months since her marriage,

what's d' valid motive judge not sure


He seems to be a perfect husband,

a courteous and honorable person

the woman claimed in rough words,

his love chokes me beget frustration


In no occurrence, he shouts at me,

on ticklish issues also is not upset

if ever I feel little uneasy, fatigued,

even to cook for me won't hesitate


Assists me in all d' household chores,

forgives me even it's a grave mistake

always seems to be an apologetic guy,

d' court got stunned with d' statement


Wish to cry out, argue, shout at him,

he keeps quiet, docile, meek and mild

a spouse agreeing to any damn thing,

no rage to match even an angry child


She further narrated the nuptial bond,

discomforts her to an extreme extent

life strangely turned utterly spiceless,

shattered her heart, torn d' sentiment


Not proud of his masculine attitude,

fade up with his kind-heartedness

to continue with him makes me feel,

more handicapped than own illness


Wanted to argue with him viciously,

desire to have an amiable fighting

don't want such a tasteless relation,

where a husband agrees to anything

Monday, 19 October 2020

Unaware you met, Mr Salaria d' same person

She conveyed d' old man in a soft voice,

and had to repeat d' words many times

"Your son is here, will take care of you"

but the moribund didn't open his eyes


The on-duty nurse guided d' Army major,

young, smartly uniformed looked anxious

"Deeply sedated for d' pain of heart attack,

wait a while till he turns fully conscious"


He stood silently outside d' oxygen tent,

d' old man opened eyes, saw a dim figure

reached out his hand with a lot of effort,

the Major lightly encased his stiff fingers


Massaged d' fingers gently to squeeze

a message of love and encouragement

the nurse at d' bedside keenly observed,

d' whole captivating touching moments


She brought a chair for the Major to sit

beside d' bed and to comfort d' patient

"Thank you very much, ma'am", he told,

conveyed his polite acknowledgement


The major sat there all through d' night,

in the poorly lit ward, holding his hand

the nurse hinted for li'l rest, he denied,

talked with love and words of strength


Was oblivious of d' nurse, other staffs,

clanking, screeching of d' O2 cylinders

cries and moans of the other patients,

night noises of the hospital corridors


She heard him saying gentle words,

but d' dying man never said anything

only grasped firmly his son's hands,

all through d' night, needed nothing


Towards the dawn, the old man died,

d' lifeless hand now he had to release

he went to inform the on-duty nurse,

about his calm and peaceful demise


He waited till d' formalities were over,

a word of sympathy she tried to offer

but the major interrupted her midway,

"Who was d' man, will you pl. answer?"


D' nurse was startled, "Not your father?"

"No, he wasn't, the major coolly replied

I didn't see him before in my whole life,

though d' entire happening was so sad"


"But when I took you to his bedside,

then even a single word u never said"

"I knew right away, there's a mistake,

but realized soon, his son he needed"


His son was not here, he was too sick,

assumed me as his son, couldn't avoid

d' nurse listened on, got fully confused,

knew he needed me much, so I stayed


What was the' purpose of your visit here,

"Came to find out one Mr Vikram Salaria

had to convey an urgent message to him,

his son killed last noon in J&K at Mundiya


For a dying man, nothing is more assuring

than son's hand, he deemed you as his son

you gave solace, had a spiritual experience,

unaware you met, Mr Salaria d' same person

Sunday, 11 October 2020

Adoring pet Oliver his only family member

He was fine, healthy and absolutely fit,

had regular breakfast at 10 in d' morning

at noon got fever, weakness, throat pain

as if d' dreaded corona was in d' offing


An unknown panic was distinctly visible,

in entire family members' shrunken faces

his cot for time being shifted to d' room,

in which his obedient pet Oliver stays


In his retirement year, Nandgopal found,

picked up a playful puppy from d' street

reared with much care as a family member

given d' room, where now he has to shift


Both sons, daughters-in-law and d kids,

to keep away, must not enter his room

information to the designated numbers,

as per guidelines to be conveyed soon


d' news spread in lightening speed, told

a masked woman of the neighborhood

Hospital men anytime might pick him up,

before it, from a distance give some food


Who'll bell the cat now, who to do d' job,

daughters-in-law handed over the plate

to mother-in-law, she hesitatingly held it,

her legs trembled, hands began to shake



Pulled her veil a little, the lady told loud,

"He's your husband and u don't bother?

it's your concern to serve him the lunch,

move, wrap up d' face with saree corner"


Listened d' entire discussion, appealed

in a quavering voice, he had no apatite

to maintain a safe distance is the norm,

keep the meal there and go, don't fight


An ambulance arrived, gave a last look,

in d' 1st floor balcony, daughters-in-law

and mask tucked faces of his grandkids,

his wife and sons waiving hands he saw


He felt it's d' life bidding him a farewell,

sat near d' front doors, proffered a kiss

he constructed this house on his won,

d' lovely abode so soon he had to miss


With loaded eyes and shattered heart,

he got up into d' ambulance sat calmly

door-front was water-washed, sanitized,

debris clean up over, home seems holy


D' dog had tears in eyes, ran behind the

racing ambulance, wagging its arced tail

if master left the house in a sordid state,

it is no more a house rather a grimy jail


Kept in d' Hospital for a couple of weeks,

tests once negative, he got discharged

found Oliver sitting outside the hospital,

beyond belief, his pet so much attached


Outspread the hands, cuddled d' critter,

two pair of eyes poured out enough tear

both started walking fast from that site,

before the arrival of d' family members


His features published in newspapers,

since then his whereabouts not known

50k rupees reward sum assured if one

gives clue about him, d' missing person


A similar sum he got a monthly pension,

spent on family welfare with no dither

now need to focus at the adoring pet,

Oliver, being his only family member

Sunday, 4 October 2020

My mushroom girl


Grappled in the war front for so long,

cooking, d' tedious task, never ends

already crossed the lunch timings,

had to hurry up her fatigued hands


A vegetable stew for father-in-law,

needs a little bit ginger-garlic paste

d' maid stopped coming, she d' only

event manager, no time for li'l rest


Corona detected in d' maid's colony,

the area sealed, declared a red zone

asking for tea-coffee over and over,

d' father-kiddy duo work from home


Someone pressed the doorbell now,

all immersed in work, who to answer

father-in-law hears less these days,

put d' gas off and rushed to d' door


A saree wrapped, young tribal girl,

stood with a basket of mushroom

before she pleaded for a purchase,

wanted to shut the doors of d' room


"Rainy-day sand mushroom ma'am,

rare stuff, in d' market you won't get"

"Not today, come some other time,

cooking over, I ignored her request"


"Papa dislikes button mushrooms,

but this variety tasty and palatable

it's his favorite, why not to keep it,

to help you out I'm readily available


"Keep it at least for d' sake of papa",

lastly applied the infallible weapon

can't refuse father in law's likings,

so got mentally ready for a bargain


"I've no patience to start it all again,

help me to make the dish, be nice

keep d' lot from her, it's already late,

how much to pay, what's the price"?


The girl told in a polite voice Rs 500

"Must be crazy, it gives me a shock

trying to squeeze out our simplicity,

it won't even be worth a 100 bucks"


She marched back to the kitchen,

d' girl appealed with folded hands

"kindly keep it, I badly need Rs500,

can't beg for it and no one will lend"


D' girl's loaded tone, watering eyes

touched her heart, she looked back

"it's corona time, mom has no work,

brother is ill, for his treatment sake"


"Mom took him to COVID hospital,

d' doctor told to buy injections, pills

to borrow some money I tried but

d' entire village in poverty and peril"


"Lost papa 2yrs back, now bro's ill,

kindly keep it, give me 500 as loan

for sure I'll pay it back at d' earliest,

don't disbelieve me for any reason"



Her hope and trust moved her a bit,

went in, a Rs 500 note handed over

took d' money, bowed in obligation,

and the impatient girl disappeared


No dearth of cheats in d' city now,

make tantrums for money earning

"any penniless is ill, u melt like ice,

"if deceived me, she'll earn d' sin"


"D' Chinese virus is spreading fast,

young age group more vulnerable

money spent for so many reasons,

might be a true need, so bearable"


Breakfast over, all sipped their tea,

for lunch, she cut vegetables to size

d' doorbell rang, a woman with a girl,

girl's hair clips she could recognize


With a smiling face, they wished her

in folded hands, you saved my son

long time gone, a lot has happened,

d' mushroom incidence is forgotten


Pulled out a packet from her basket,

handed it over to her with gratitude

glad to know d' wellbeing of your son,

you got d' stuff again, a nice attitude


Tell me, how much should I pay for it,

it's our love, unfair to pay on your part

d' season is gone, mushroom time over,

maybe for the last time, I've brought



Unfastened d' knot of d' saree corner,

took out a 500rs note, gave it to her

apologetic for d' delay to pay it back

I'll call u mom, oh my eternal mother


Calling mom, paying back d' money,

your son's recovery a welcome news

got stunned with her honesty, I told,

keep the money, for u it'll be of use


Today got up so early in d' morning,

thought of baking a strawberry cake

hers name carved in hidden letters,

it's genuinely prepared for her sake


Picked up a packet, packed in kitchen,

gave to d' girl, she happily received it

obligation trickled as drops from eyes,

the height of honesty and simplicity


"If alive, get it for u again next year",

the duo wished her and went away

forgot to enquire the name of d' girl,

she's my mushroom girl from today


Today's mushroom dish was superb,

delicious, seemed surprisingly tasty,

mingled with two innocent persons'

sublime love, affection and honesty