Sunday 4 October 2020

My mushroom girl


Grappled in the war front for so long,

cooking, d' tedious task, never ends

already crossed the lunch timings,

had to hurry up her fatigued hands


A vegetable stew for father-in-law,

needs a little bit ginger-garlic paste

d' maid stopped coming, she d' only

event manager, no time for li'l rest


Corona detected in d' maid's colony,

the area sealed, declared a red zone

asking for tea-coffee over and over,

d' father-kiddy duo work from home


Someone pressed the doorbell now,

all immersed in work, who to answer

father-in-law hears less these days,

put d' gas off and rushed to d' door


A saree wrapped, young tribal girl,

stood with a basket of mushroom

before she pleaded for a purchase,

wanted to shut the doors of d' room


"Rainy-day sand mushroom ma'am,

rare stuff, in d' market you won't get"

"Not today, come some other time,

cooking over, I ignored her request"


"Papa dislikes button mushrooms,

but this variety tasty and palatable

it's his favorite, why not to keep it,

to help you out I'm readily available


"Keep it at least for d' sake of papa",

lastly applied the infallible weapon

can't refuse father in law's likings,

so got mentally ready for a bargain


"I've no patience to start it all again,

help me to make the dish, be nice

keep d' lot from her, it's already late,

how much to pay, what's the price"?


The girl told in a polite voice Rs 500

"Must be crazy, it gives me a shock

trying to squeeze out our simplicity,

it won't even be worth a 100 bucks"


She marched back to the kitchen,

d' girl appealed with folded hands

"kindly keep it, I badly need Rs500,

can't beg for it and no one will lend"


D' girl's loaded tone, watering eyes

touched her heart, she looked back

"it's corona time, mom has no work,

brother is ill, for his treatment sake"


"Mom took him to COVID hospital,

d' doctor told to buy injections, pills

to borrow some money I tried but

d' entire village in poverty and peril"


"Lost papa 2yrs back, now bro's ill,

kindly keep it, give me 500 as loan

for sure I'll pay it back at d' earliest,

don't disbelieve me for any reason"



Her hope and trust moved her a bit,

went in, a Rs 500 note handed over

took d' money, bowed in obligation,

and the impatient girl disappeared


No dearth of cheats in d' city now,

make tantrums for money earning

"any penniless is ill, u melt like ice,

"if deceived me, she'll earn d' sin"


"D' Chinese virus is spreading fast,

young age group more vulnerable

money spent for so many reasons,

might be a true need, so bearable"


Breakfast over, all sipped their tea,

for lunch, she cut vegetables to size

d' doorbell rang, a woman with a girl,

girl's hair clips she could recognize


With a smiling face, they wished her

in folded hands, you saved my son

long time gone, a lot has happened,

d' mushroom incidence is forgotten


Pulled out a packet from her basket,

handed it over to her with gratitude

glad to know d' wellbeing of your son,

you got d' stuff again, a nice attitude


Tell me, how much should I pay for it,

it's our love, unfair to pay on your part

d' season is gone, mushroom time over,

maybe for the last time, I've brought



Unfastened d' knot of d' saree corner,

took out a 500rs note, gave it to her

apologetic for d' delay to pay it back

I'll call u mom, oh my eternal mother


Calling mom, paying back d' money,

your son's recovery a welcome news

got stunned with her honesty, I told,

keep the money, for u it'll be of use


Today got up so early in d' morning,

thought of baking a strawberry cake

hers name carved in hidden letters,

it's genuinely prepared for her sake


Picked up a packet, packed in kitchen,

gave to d' girl, she happily received it

obligation trickled as drops from eyes,

the height of honesty and simplicity


"If alive, get it for u again next year",

the duo wished her and went away

forgot to enquire the name of d' girl,

she's my mushroom girl from today


Today's mushroom dish was superb,

delicious, seemed surprisingly tasty,

mingled with two innocent persons'

sublime love, affection and honesty


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