Saturday 31 October 2020

Unable to enjoy d' life so beautiful

Son intently looked skywards,

gazed at the kite with delight

saw d' swings for a long time,

Dad was flying d' colorful kite


Got perturbed and disturbed,

dithering he did ask his dad

d' string is in your tight grip,

looks absurd, improper, bad


You hold the thread rigidly,

the kite lost d' liberty to rise

unable to mount any further,

to pick up its expected height


Father heard son's regrets,

got little pensive for a while

but he postured to act wise,

gave a casual lenient smile


He decidedly broke d' string,

as his adoring son had urged

kite went high to d' horizon,

fully unsteady, uncontrolled


 After a while came down fast,

kids in d' street could locate it

a cute kite sailed over d' roofs,

hilarious but opened up fights


Ventures failed to catch intact,

it fell flat on the earth, got torn

d' chasers felt utterly dejected,

his gloomy son, about to mourn


Father sat next to him, tried his

utmost to pacify and convince

in life, we reach a certain level,

things won't happen as we wish


At a point, realize a few things,

not letting us grow any further

wish to be free of d' tight knots,

our home, tradition and culture


D' tough strings, secured knots,

we turn fully restless to unfasten

but to stay stable at lofty heights,

d' source of vigor not to be broken


Not to break away from d' strings,

tradition, culture family, relations

and lead d' life as a cordless kite,

can't run away from sweet home


Alike a cut kite, acts our destiny,

makes us fall fast, flop like a fool

d' aim to fly remains a nightmare,

unable to enjoy d' life so beautiful


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