Monday 19 October 2020

Unaware you met, Mr Salaria d' same person

She conveyed d' old man in a soft voice,

and had to repeat d' words many times

"Your son is here, will take care of you"

but the moribund didn't open his eyes


The on-duty nurse guided d' Army major,

young, smartly uniformed looked anxious

"Deeply sedated for d' pain of heart attack,

wait a while till he turns fully conscious"


He stood silently outside d' oxygen tent,

d' old man opened eyes, saw a dim figure

reached out his hand with a lot of effort,

the Major lightly encased his stiff fingers


Massaged d' fingers gently to squeeze

a message of love and encouragement

the nurse at d' bedside keenly observed,

d' whole captivating touching moments


She brought a chair for the Major to sit

beside d' bed and to comfort d' patient

"Thank you very much, ma'am", he told,

conveyed his polite acknowledgement


The major sat there all through d' night,

in the poorly lit ward, holding his hand

the nurse hinted for li'l rest, he denied,

talked with love and words of strength


Was oblivious of d' nurse, other staffs,

clanking, screeching of d' O2 cylinders

cries and moans of the other patients,

night noises of the hospital corridors


She heard him saying gentle words,

but d' dying man never said anything

only grasped firmly his son's hands,

all through d' night, needed nothing


Towards the dawn, the old man died,

d' lifeless hand now he had to release

he went to inform the on-duty nurse,

about his calm and peaceful demise


He waited till d' formalities were over,

a word of sympathy she tried to offer

but the major interrupted her midway,

"Who was d' man, will you pl. answer?"


D' nurse was startled, "Not your father?"

"No, he wasn't, the major coolly replied

I didn't see him before in my whole life,

though d' entire happening was so sad"


"But when I took you to his bedside,

then even a single word u never said"

"I knew right away, there's a mistake,

but realized soon, his son he needed"


His son was not here, he was too sick,

assumed me as his son, couldn't avoid

d' nurse listened on, got fully confused,

knew he needed me much, so I stayed


What was the' purpose of your visit here,

"Came to find out one Mr Vikram Salaria

had to convey an urgent message to him,

his son killed last noon in J&K at Mundiya


For a dying man, nothing is more assuring

than son's hand, he deemed you as his son

you gave solace, had a spiritual experience,

unaware you met, Mr Salaria d' same person


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