Friday 2 October 2020

Profound regards being a backbencher


Now he's in front of d' Chief secretary

with folded hands, as had no option

so often stood before d' dealing clerk,

retired 2 yrs back, yet got no pension


Made up his mind for the last time,

to appeal to the highest authority

a sort of a complaint of his torture,

extended the petition with humility


"I'm a government school teacher,

retired since d' last couple of years

trying my utmost since that time,

d' pension papers aren't yet clear"


Lost all my patience, got fade up,

decided to approach u in person

grown-up children have no time,

all busy in their own profession


They presumed I must be getting,

no less than Rs 50k in my pension

express no desire to ask anytime,

being penniless how I'm pulling on


Can't disclose my pathetic state

to relatives, neither to my friends

a lousy sore hurting to its extreme,

to resolve it came to u at d' end


Before he finishes d' genuine talk,

d' secretary got up from his chair

with folded hands touched his feet,

and made him sit with much care


Stupefied  by such sudden action,

he stopped narrating own disaster

Secretary hastily pressed call bell,

for a cup of hot coffee gave d' order


D' peon rushed for coffee, he poured

water in a glass and handed it over,

sir, please have it, politely requested,

accepted it with an awkward gesture


Secretary pleaded not to call him "sir",

"It will be a curse to me, I'll earn sins

u are my teacher, philosopher, guide,

from u I've learnt all my life lessons"


"Annoyed, yet paid ample attention,

I was a backbencher in our class,

then your scolding had no effects,

teasingly you named me 'Kalidasa"


D' confidential assistant summoned,

called for the dealing section officer

all rushed promptly in apprehension,

maybe a grievous error has occurred


Sir's pension order to be ready today,

before I leave the office for my home

or else all of us have to do night duty,

to prove the efficiency of our system


Dealing officer mumbled, "sir, it's done,

in 5 minutes I'll get it for your signature

d' teacher raised a hand to bless his pupil,

felt pleased and got up for his departure


"Pl. sit down sir, collect d' order in hand,

for lunch, you are invited to our quarters

after a long time, incidentally, we've met,

you ought to bless my son and daughter


In d' meantime, your order will be ready,

collect it, my driver drop you in d' station

the pension worries will be over forever,

for a decent life without any humiliation


Called home, talked to Mrs, "it's good news,

Tripathi sir is our esteemed guest for today

I told you how he checks d' answer sheets,

passes remark, punish in an exemplary way


Tripathi sir overwhelmed, with loaded eyes

thought backbenchers are not always bad

maybe packed with much more humanity,

after 35 yrs of service now felt so satisfied

Secretary wiped out a tear from own eyes,

he never saw a teacher so emotional earlier

d' teacher got startled by a high executive,

with profound regards being a backbencher



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