Sunday 11 October 2020

Adoring pet Oliver his only family member

He was fine, healthy and absolutely fit,

had regular breakfast at 10 in d' morning

at noon got fever, weakness, throat pain

as if d' dreaded corona was in d' offing


An unknown panic was distinctly visible,

in entire family members' shrunken faces

his cot for time being shifted to d' room,

in which his obedient pet Oliver stays


In his retirement year, Nandgopal found,

picked up a playful puppy from d' street

reared with much care as a family member

given d' room, where now he has to shift


Both sons, daughters-in-law and d kids,

to keep away, must not enter his room

information to the designated numbers,

as per guidelines to be conveyed soon


d' news spread in lightening speed, told

a masked woman of the neighborhood

Hospital men anytime might pick him up,

before it, from a distance give some food


Who'll bell the cat now, who to do d' job,

daughters-in-law handed over the plate

to mother-in-law, she hesitatingly held it,

her legs trembled, hands began to shake



Pulled her veil a little, the lady told loud,

"He's your husband and u don't bother?

it's your concern to serve him the lunch,

move, wrap up d' face with saree corner"


Listened d' entire discussion, appealed

in a quavering voice, he had no apatite

to maintain a safe distance is the norm,

keep the meal there and go, don't fight


An ambulance arrived, gave a last look,

in d' 1st floor balcony, daughters-in-law

and mask tucked faces of his grandkids,

his wife and sons waiving hands he saw


He felt it's d' life bidding him a farewell,

sat near d' front doors, proffered a kiss

he constructed this house on his won,

d' lovely abode so soon he had to miss


With loaded eyes and shattered heart,

he got up into d' ambulance sat calmly

door-front was water-washed, sanitized,

debris clean up over, home seems holy


D' dog had tears in eyes, ran behind the

racing ambulance, wagging its arced tail

if master left the house in a sordid state,

it is no more a house rather a grimy jail


Kept in d' Hospital for a couple of weeks,

tests once negative, he got discharged

found Oliver sitting outside the hospital,

beyond belief, his pet so much attached


Outspread the hands, cuddled d' critter,

two pair of eyes poured out enough tear

both started walking fast from that site,

before the arrival of d' family members


His features published in newspapers,

since then his whereabouts not known

50k rupees reward sum assured if one

gives clue about him, d' missing person


A similar sum he got a monthly pension,

spent on family welfare with no dither

now need to focus at the adoring pet,

Oliver, being his only family member


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