Tuesday 20 October 2020

Her suffocating husband


Sought a divorce from her husband,

but the grounds looked too unclear

only 18 months since her marriage,

what's d' valid motive judge not sure


He seems to be a perfect husband,

a courteous and honorable person

the woman claimed in rough words,

his love chokes me beget frustration


In no occurrence, he shouts at me,

on ticklish issues also is not upset

if ever I feel little uneasy, fatigued,

even to cook for me won't hesitate


Assists me in all d' household chores,

forgives me even it's a grave mistake

always seems to be an apologetic guy,

d' court got stunned with d' statement


Wish to cry out, argue, shout at him,

he keeps quiet, docile, meek and mild

a spouse agreeing to any damn thing,

no rage to match even an angry child


She further narrated the nuptial bond,

discomforts her to an extreme extent

life strangely turned utterly spiceless,

shattered her heart, torn d' sentiment


Not proud of his masculine attitude,

fade up with his kind-heartedness

to continue with him makes me feel,

more handicapped than own illness


Wanted to argue with him viciously,

desire to have an amiable fighting

don't want such a tasteless relation,

where a husband agrees to anything


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