Thursday, 30 April 2020

From d' gloom, could see d' light blazing

Lord Indra was upset with the farmers,

grant of rain for d' next 12 years to stop

they don't pay respect to him nowadays,

will not be permitted to cultivate crops

In folded hands, they beg for clemency,

took an oath, in future remember it well

rain to be sanctioned on condition that,

Lord Shiva cheerily frolics d' dumbbell

But he took up with Lord Shiva in secret,

not to agree to the farmers' sober prayer

Lord Shiva also talked in the same tone,

to move about d' dumbbell after 12 years

Disappointed with Lord Shiva's decision,

better to wait till that period, they decided

one of them kept on digging, put manure,

sow seeds in poise, even no crop erupted

Did d' routine practice calmly for 2 years,

never heed to anyone's satiric comment

if no rains for d' next 12 yrs, they asked,

"why d' uncalled-for time & energy spent?"

Crops won't come out know it very well,

I'm doing it just as a matter of practice

after long years I might forget fieldwork,

do it to keep fine and fit, can't take a risk

Goddess Parvati heard d' genuine rebuttal,

felt pleased with his arguments and logic

she praised his version before Lord Shiva,

nudged, "u might forget d' dumbbell tricks"

In anxiety, Lord Shiva played d' dumbbell,

to check if by now really he has forgotten
with d' rhythm of d' monophonic beating

in dogs and cats began pouring frantic rain
The cocky farmer felt happy and blessed,

in no time saw his crops start emerging

had faith in d' God, focused on his skills,

from d' gloom, could see d' light blazing

Surface fast, reinstate d' impact

It's absurd to grab d' water tight,

certainly, slip out of your hand

let it flow, make its own move,

towards lake, river or low land

If tough to assess d' situation,

uncertainty makes it to do so

permit it to happen on its own,

watch in silence, let things go

When the pertinent time comes,

its own ways, life also will detect

to be sure it's the time of testing,

face it even it pinches at present

But after all, it's time, it'll pass out,

passing out is its true character

an intent to thrive ought to erupt,

d' rugged time obviously be over

In d' disguise of a terrifying virus,

death has arrived as a dark night

d' density of darkness gets thicker,

confidence lost, so scared to fight

Plans made to hide in the house,

d' doors shut, confused, nervous

trust, d' bad moment will vanish,

once urge to survive sprout in us

Markets empty, roads deserted,

houses appear lifeless and silent

people troubled, fear all around,

amply afraid of d' panic moment

But d' pandemic behaves foolish,

wants to defeat the human race

intent to thrive is briefly subdued,

will abruptly erupt and gain pace

worries of unease span dissipate,

it's time, it clearly tends to change

History to witness d' entire episode

changing is its elementary trend

Fear of the superbug, a brief event,

humans more resilient than they act

d' desire to thrive is lost for a while,

will surface fast, reinstate d' impact

Monday, 27 April 2020

Did anyone spot a bat?

D' clip went viral, in d' Whatsapp group

of the gated community

members stay here in large numbers,

campus no less than a mini city

In lockdown d' scintillating news,

created a backbone severing

people are genuinely compliant,

with stay home, social distancing

"Hello, did anyone spot a bat,

near d' north end swimming pool?

It's crucial, I need to know,

can't locate,

d' security behaves damn cool"

must be informed to d' secretary,

intimate d' management in writing

be extremely cautious,

OMG, why we keep on fighting?

Send no kids downstairs to play,

today onwards, be strict

with immediate effect be alert,

no more swimming pool activities

Pay so much for maintenance,

yet have bats in d' pool zone

corona crisis not yet over, again

lockdown for a Nipah virus unknown

Oh God, what is happening

Secretary should answer this

In community compounds,

any potential creatures,

we should never miss

For d' community and friends,

I draw your kind attention

I've remedies, something to apply

if by chance any kid gets bat bitten

Also, few indigenous pills to eat,

to get relief, if it hurts too much

early healing of the wound too,

to attain an infection less status

No, I would rather recommend,

not to apply anything

wash with copious tap water first

maybe with li'l soap or betadine

Is there a treatment for Nipah,

no precise pills or injections 

I tried to find it out  online

corona at least has remedies

like isolation and quarantine

My kid is only 3 years old,

any drops or syrup for youngsters

talk to Dr. Ashwin to be sure,

he resides in Block 16/ 204

Bat is a carrier for 66 viruses,

SARS, Corona, Ebola, Nipah, Rabies,

discuss with the doctor in details,

find out things, be tension free

Ehh guys!, I'm extremely sorry

in this panic situation

without knowing the details,

we've gone far in our discussion

Took a bath in d' pool,

after the practice match

near d' easy chairs I kept

forgot it there, came home,

now got it from d' caretaker

I'm talking about my cricket bat

Saturday, 25 April 2020

The cry, an outburst of my emotions

Took a slow bottomless breath,

a consciously relaxed inhalation,

with folded hands thanked God,

obliged for being alive in his creation

Granted with enough immunity,

in corona tsunami, stood stable

survived d' horrible pandemic,

d' air around turning breathable

Can't imagine, it's so satisfying,

no smoke, no dust, cool and pure

find no apt words to praise God,

took a deep breath once more

He got better in the Hospital,

asked to pay for the ventilator

he cried, wailed, refused to pay,

"don't cry over d' bill", told d' doctor

"For a super-senior man of 93 yrs,

an upsetting scene, not decent

to waive it off, I will recommend,

to d' Italian Republic Government"

Outside d' Hospital, he could see,

utterly a different world exists

is it a new planet discovered,

added to d' existing ones' list

Impossible to ascertain it now,

yet he looked around to confirm

surprised to see d' deserted roads,

silent streets, no honking of a horn

No mikes pronouncing azan loud,

so much peace in His creation

with folded hands, he prayed God

in pure air took a deep inhalation

They saved him, did a great job,

he is back to be better environed

clearwater, clean sky, fresh air,

to achieve things, no restless run

Sun is bright, the birds chirping,

fearlessly roaming all d' creatures

bees hum over blooming flowers,

all native beauty back in d' nature
Things look perfect, so romantic,

jovial moments for family members

scope to chitchat, dine, tell jokes,

make fun and spend time together

Folded d' knees gently on d' earth,

thanked God again in his prayer

and inhaled as deep as he could,

d' lung full of neat, God-given air

Valued the doctors' efforts a lot,

risking own life for patient care

got suffocated, fought for breath,

taken care of in time, he admired

D' world seems safe, birds take a dip,

in Reno's crystal clear rippling water

the rivers cleaned themselves now,

once d' human activities are over
Planes cause no noise pollution,

now halted d' takeoffs and landings

ships dispose of no debris in seas,

no issues for aquatic lives' thriving

People washing hands, body parts,

food habits changed, got ample rest

now no crazy run in a hectic pace,

no more strifes to make breathless

God has granted so much clean air,

again he took a sustained breath

tried to recall some praising words,

for d' Almighty to pray till his death

"Breathed God's air for a long span,

almost ten decades paid not a pie

can not assess, how much do I owe

d' supply to be carried on till I die

Ventilator charges 5000 € per day

can pay it, I'm no bankrupt person

could never even thank Him once,

d' cry, an outburst of my emotions" 

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

My fabulous planet, it's done

God felt relaxed and happy,

after a prolonged period

backlogs of prayer of d' devotees

finally able to clear

"I wish we had no school,

and want to play all-day"

"A trifling wish, never mind,

I'll make you happy and gay"

God gave a gentle smile,

raised his palm in an instant

showed it to d' child, told,

"as you wish my boy, I grant"

"D' school shut, no more classes,

no hassles of homework

but mom permits no paper cutting craft,

gazes me like a hungry shark"

"Shouts at me not to hide d' remote,

not to get glued to Disney channel

she wants to surf d' tv every hour,

to watch d' corona bulletins in detail"
"Alleges, me making a mess of things,

who to clean it, in maid's absence

if I do it, I only have to make it tidy,

tortures her only child, has no sense"

"All d' while threatens to beat me,

has curbed my entire freedom

God, please open our school soon,

Ma'ms are much better than moms"
"Oh God, will u please sanction?

my husband's undivided attention"

God thought for a while,

gave a gentle smile, and told

"Ok, done"

No help in my household works,

enjoys movies on TV all day long

all my favored serials I've to miss,

as if  only to him the TV belongs

Since morning took tea five times,

no hesitation to ask for one more

how to manage a fulltime husband,

please see that d' lockdown is over

On the last day of the lockdown-1,

I prompted, next day offices will open

to triage office bag, charge d' laptop,

also, office dresses to wash and iron

Looked skywards, tried to recall,

what's my job, which office I work?

an administrator, a professional,

a supervisory job or simply a clerk?

My neighbor might listen to our talks,

what she will think, I feel awkward

do cancel the wish, lift d' lockdown

I'll accept it as your granted reward

Daily morning d' episode recurs,

a mad rush to the office

no rest, no time to breathe,

Oh God, I'm sick of this traffic
I wish I could work from home

God looked upwards a bit,

his forehead softly wrinkled,

finally concurred, I grant it

Just unable to work peacefully,

closed d' doors, office work is on

dislike muddling door beatings,

to outreach me, she calls on d' phone

Gone crazy to feed me in time,

my health her prime concern

food d' only aim in life,

Oh God, need no more rest,

fade up to stay at home

Old Parents:
Rather than being busy every day,

engaged even in d' weekend

I wish our kids, get long holidays,

quality time with us they can spend

God laughed nonstop,
tough to be envisioned

yet looked little worried, 

 told, "your wish sanctioned"
Granny, grandpa do listen, 

for aged people, we must worry
PM told in his speech,
due care of them is mandatory

Come here, I'll teach you,

how to sanitize your hands

The tricks with liquid soap, 

and d' sanitizing liquid washes

How to put on the face mask,

as we put on undergarments,

for the hidden parts

d' face is added to the list

from now on, hide it with a mask
Oh God, you assigned me,

clean air, clear water, blue sky

with your carving skill eloquent

made me the most 

lovable, livable, decent planet

Now I feel suffocated, restless

my water contaminated,

air polluted, u must keep a check

no more pleasant, too chaotic,

I wish I could get a break
God looked serene, passionate

pondered for careful consideration

and pronounced in a lucid voice

"my fabulous planet, it's done"