Monday 27 April 2020

Did anyone spot a bat?

D' clip went viral, in d' Whatsapp group

of the gated community

members stay here in large numbers,

campus no less than a mini city

In lockdown d' scintillating news,

created a backbone severing

people are genuinely compliant,

with stay home, social distancing

"Hello, did anyone spot a bat,

near d' north end swimming pool?

It's crucial, I need to know,

can't locate,

d' security behaves damn cool"

must be informed to d' secretary,

intimate d' management in writing

be extremely cautious,

OMG, why we keep on fighting?

Send no kids downstairs to play,

today onwards, be strict

with immediate effect be alert,

no more swimming pool activities

Pay so much for maintenance,

yet have bats in d' pool zone

corona crisis not yet over, again

lockdown for a Nipah virus unknown

Oh God, what is happening

Secretary should answer this

In community compounds,

any potential creatures,

we should never miss

For d' community and friends,

I draw your kind attention

I've remedies, something to apply

if by chance any kid gets bat bitten

Also, few indigenous pills to eat,

to get relief, if it hurts too much

early healing of the wound too,

to attain an infection less status

No, I would rather recommend,

not to apply anything

wash with copious tap water first

maybe with li'l soap or betadine

Is there a treatment for Nipah,

no precise pills or injections 

I tried to find it out  online

corona at least has remedies

like isolation and quarantine

My kid is only 3 years old,

any drops or syrup for youngsters

talk to Dr. Ashwin to be sure,

he resides in Block 16/ 204

Bat is a carrier for 66 viruses,

SARS, Corona, Ebola, Nipah, Rabies,

discuss with the doctor in details,

find out things, be tension free

Ehh guys!, I'm extremely sorry

in this panic situation

without knowing the details,

we've gone far in our discussion

Took a bath in d' pool,

after the practice match

near d' easy chairs I kept

forgot it there, came home,

now got it from d' caretaker

I'm talking about my cricket bat


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