Monday 13 April 2020

U proved to be a talented teacher"

"Why not allow me,

 to go to my friend's place?

please, please tell me, Granny,

What’s this lockdown, how long to continue?

to me, it appears so funny"

Creepy coronavirus wants to roll in,

can intrude through the front doors

does it behave ghastly like a ghost?

like a devastating demon, it appears

"Not permitted to play, run outside

even at least in our corridor"

Granny tried to explain, “be quiet

it’s advised by our Prime minister

For three weeks, all countrymen

to obey him, to stay home

to shut the front doors, and

 by no chance move in d’ open"

"Papa works from home,

Mom’s office’s closed too

she works from her room at Bangalore

no flights, no buses, trains,

Malls, markets, schools, clubs,

swimming pools, all closed together"

"A stringent step taken by the PM,

but he can’t lock down everything

can he claim that it’s full proof,

did he succeed in implementing?"

"By now he must have realized,

his attempts is a complete failure

the sun still proffers ample light,

as per its routine protocol"

 "Hail storms come as they wish,
clouds too, keep on pouring

does he not feel humiliated,

his lockdown call, all defying"

"Relationships not locked down,

I can still call papa, to my father

our kitchen doors are not bolted,

food still cooked by my grandmother"

"Schools shut, but classes still on, on line

even students able to relish e-stories

yoga practice from Baba Ramdev’s class,

for proper fitness of minds and bodies"

"Hear my fav music from d' music channels,

free to write poems in d’ new situation

granny still lits diyas in our worship hall,

our tortoise trying Indian foods, now no option"

"My dear PM, 
u can’t lock down my passion,

to watch Disney channel, munch d’ snacks

d’ lockdown is, a lockdown for namesake

I pursue my acts as usual,
u never apprehend perhaps

You have locked us inside true,

but kept d’ door key in our access

judged d’  talent in the Indian kids,

we are grateful  to your kindness

you have packed us with ambitions

can venture to climb any height

useful to d’ country, create many wonders

no one can ever imagine it"

"I learned stitching mask from my granny,

now on d’ job, sewn few for our family

house help, security, safaiwala, and others

to cover their face during d’ duty daily"

"My PM, you’re a workaholic soul,

staunch to tide over d’ corona disaster

your efforts have brought color,

troubled corona, restless for an ouster

unable to survive here any more,

waits to evaporate, to get extinct

My PM it’s your credit, we all adore

no one on earth can denounce you,

you proved to be a talented teacher"


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