Thursday 30 April 2020

Surface fast, reinstate d' impact

It's absurd to grab d' water tight,

certainly, slip out of your hand

let it flow, make its own move,

towards lake, river or low land

If tough to assess d' situation,

uncertainty makes it to do so

permit it to happen on its own,

watch in silence, let things go

When the pertinent time comes,

its own ways, life also will detect

to be sure it's the time of testing,

face it even it pinches at present

But after all, it's time, it'll pass out,

passing out is its true character

an intent to thrive ought to erupt,

d' rugged time obviously be over

In d' disguise of a terrifying virus,

death has arrived as a dark night

d' density of darkness gets thicker,

confidence lost, so scared to fight

Plans made to hide in the house,

d' doors shut, confused, nervous

trust, d' bad moment will vanish,

once urge to survive sprout in us

Markets empty, roads deserted,

houses appear lifeless and silent

people troubled, fear all around,

amply afraid of d' panic moment

But d' pandemic behaves foolish,

wants to defeat the human race

intent to thrive is briefly subdued,

will abruptly erupt and gain pace

worries of unease span dissipate,

it's time, it clearly tends to change

History to witness d' entire episode

changing is its elementary trend

Fear of the superbug, a brief event,

humans more resilient than they act

d' desire to thrive is lost for a while,

will surface fast, reinstate d' impact


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