Thursday 30 April 2020

From d' gloom, could see d' light blazing

Lord Indra was upset with the farmers,

grant of rain for d' next 12 years to stop

they don't pay respect to him nowadays,

will not be permitted to cultivate crops

In folded hands, they beg for clemency,

took an oath, in future remember it well

rain to be sanctioned on condition that,

Lord Shiva cheerily frolics d' dumbbell

But he took up with Lord Shiva in secret,

not to agree to the farmers' sober prayer

Lord Shiva also talked in the same tone,

to move about d' dumbbell after 12 years

Disappointed with Lord Shiva's decision,

better to wait till that period, they decided

one of them kept on digging, put manure,

sow seeds in poise, even no crop erupted

Did d' routine practice calmly for 2 years,

never heed to anyone's satiric comment

if no rains for d' next 12 yrs, they asked,

"why d' uncalled-for time & energy spent?"

Crops won't come out know it very well,

I'm doing it just as a matter of practice

after long years I might forget fieldwork,

do it to keep fine and fit, can't take a risk

Goddess Parvati heard d' genuine rebuttal,

felt pleased with his arguments and logic

she praised his version before Lord Shiva,

nudged, "u might forget d' dumbbell tricks"

In anxiety, Lord Shiva played d' dumbbell,

to check if by now really he has forgotten
with d' rhythm of d' monophonic beating

in dogs and cats began pouring frantic rain
The cocky farmer felt happy and blessed,

in no time saw his crops start emerging

had faith in d' God, focused on his skills,

from d' gloom, could see d' light blazing


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