Wednesday 15 April 2020

Then, COVID blocked my olfaction

Me and my friend,
that night we dined together
she squeezed lemon on my fish,
asked me, if I got d' flavor
I was not sure
something wrong in my smelling ability
any disease, any abnormality?
I tried to recollect,
attempted to connect,
threads of d' past events
As a pleasant surprise,
last week one evening it rained
an unseasonal shower,
I couldn't understand
had an intense desire to inhale
but not able to cherish,
d' soaked earth's sweet smell
A sort of odor blindness noted
luscious dishes tasted, less appetizing
unable to detect the gas leaks,
also if d' food's burnt while cooking
No running nose, no blockade,
no Parkinson's, no Alzheimer
my baby also flatly refutes,
to come to d' lap of her mother
it's strange, d' onset of anosmia
sets up a feeling of depression
the maleness in spouse's sweat,
no more arouses the passion
Got an appointment for checkup,
asked d' famed ENT consultant
"No routine use of nasal spray,
or any other de-congestant?
Able to perceive the smell of
chocolate, vanilla, and peppermint?
if can't make out d' items from odor,
need a cranial nerve assessment"
If open d' lids of d' spice bottles,
can't identify  d' distinct flavor
now upset about less appetite,
is it flu, have to wait till it's over?
At lunch hour my mate,
pushed her lunch box under my nose,
"tell me, if it's stale or fresh?"
couldn't make out but I didn't disclose
"Stinking dear, unfit  to eat", she told
I nodded, unable to guess,
from d' smell, food's freshness
"If a nose detects a trillion scents,
why my smell steadily eclipsing
since morning  I feel  little feverish,
eyes tearing,
d' sinuses started dripping"
Do you remember,
closeness to any infected person,
or a foreign tour of any family member?
a serological test seems mandatory,
to know if a COVID-19, d' offender?"
Instantly d' garrulous mouth got shut,
shocked, in  d' verge of a collapse
never serious for social distancing,
no frequent hand washings, no mask
"I wish to bring to your knowledge,
last Sunday, it all happened
for groceries, I went to d' market,
waited in a long queue for my turn
Pointing towards a nearby trash can,
I spotted a person holding his nose
he blew it hard with maximum effort,
I couldn't run away, I was too close
Promptly unzipped my handbag,
pulled out d' hanky, I was so scared
must have sprayed droplets on me,
then my mouth, nose all were bare
Tricky situation, can't decide further,
you're d' Physician, better u suggest
should I try some medicines and wait
or promptly proceed for a corona test"

I'll test the entire family for corona,
baby doesn't come to u, you're d' mother
don't worry, no pain, only a throat swab,
all of u walk down for it, come together
While blowing off a candle
can't make out d' smell of wick and wax
nor the flavor of aromatic spices
the scent of sandalwood paste
miss d' smell of coffee, savor of garlic bread
and the prawn biryani flavor
I felt jealous to look at,
d' mustache of my shaggy dog twitched
as d' aroma lifts his nose in pleasure
I erred on d' smell of clean garments
laundry pile ballooned up overnight
found no flavor in yummy foods,
upset about my shrunk appetite
sprayed obsessive amount freshener
my smell ability obscured,
intimated to our family doctor
he checked my nose throat,
but he was not sure
Call your hubby, and ask him,
to come soon with your daughter
I'll contact d' corona testing Lab
register for testing of all d' family member
So sir,
you are confident of a corona infection,
and presume COVID blocked my olfaction


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