Friday 10 April 2020

It's Corona's arrant confession

The Mother earth cried out for help,
a desire cropped up in me to born
"d' humans of the blue planet listen,
it's the corona's arrant confession"
"U ill-treated to the utmost extent,
she silently endured all d' torture
writhed in pain, tossed in agony,
screamed, shouted yet u ignored"
"You altered her innate response,
too tolerant, calm and composed
she reflexly reacted to the harsh
maneuvers continually u caused"
"Dumped waste, flipped polythenes,
spilled oil, polluted d' clean oceans
terrified u by tornado and tsunami,
outraged to spew out d' lava molten"
"D' crystal clear water of her rivers,
spoiled by dung, sewage diversion
she conveyed her reaction too often
with devastating flood and cyclone"
"Your activities for luxurious living,
raised d' atmospheric temperature
caused droughts, scarcity of water,
and alarming melting of d' glaciers"
"You turned mad for sophistication,
an awful craze for d' latest i phone
least bothered for other creatures,
earth is never for your exploitation"
Birds, animals, flea, plants, air, water,
all are part of the earth's ecosphere
you behaved as if, you're d' monarch,
did as you wished, used your power
No dithering for d' animal massacre,
can devour a to z as per your whim
to satisfy appetite left no creatures,
whichsoever crawl, trot, fly or swim

Full of hatred and packed in cruelty,
never even know who's d' neighbor
wish to put a full stop to your greed,
and all your materialistic pleasure

Now you are jailed in your abode,
no more the superior most animal
freedom curtailed to rock bottom,
too conscious of the self-survival

Snatched away your entire comfort,
caged u at home, no more outings
other animals can make jolly trips,
enjoy locked down of human beings
Lit candles, pray, blow a conch shell,
have rest for days & months together
I may not give you fever, suffocation,
finish you with ample mental torture
Couldn't check population explosion
now can't stop d' horror of mass death
in no time I stalled your propagation,
ventilators too can't boost your breath

I'm born, to tutor u a mighty lesson,
defied your soul, enough is enough,
earth is for all, coexist with creatures,
do not behave rowdy, don't be rough
Start caring for d' earth, its life forms,
flora, fauna, water-body, atmosphere
evolve love, respect for mother earth,
or else I may be back even stronger
it's the corona's arrant confession,
a statement authentic, I'm signing
no occasion to regret d' genuine job,
thanks, sincerely your COVID -19


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